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Pan Afrikan Student Services

Pan-Afrikan Student Services at Augsburg University promotes programs that support the personal, social and academic success of students of African descent. Our programs focus on exploring Black identity, education, advocacy, and community building. We strive to develop leaders that will contribute to social progress, democracy and create sustainable changes in our communities.


The Department of Multicultural Life strives to be a national leader in multicultural student success and social justice education within higher education. Through collaboration with key departments, offices, and individuals; the development and implementation of cultural- and social-critical educational programming; and the focused mentoring and support of historically underrepresented student populations, the department works to co-create a university environment that allows for all members to fully engage in the entirety of their collegiate experience.


We believe when students have a greater understanding of self, they become empowered to reclaim* ownership of their education. Multicultural Life provides opportunities to deepen awareness and knowledge of identity, resilience, and advocacy.

*Due to white supremacist foundation that is rooted within higher education, education does not allow historically underserved students to take stake in their learning.

Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation 2023:

We Rise: Our Voice Coming Alive


Each year Augsburg University celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. The Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation offers us the opportunity to celebrate the life of Dr. King and many other black leaders. It is a day of reflection on how far we have come through struggle and what steps we as a community can take to increase our unity. This year Martin Luther King Jr theme is “We Rise”, this theme represents his famous speech “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” delivered on April 3rd, 1968. 


“Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I’m happy tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” 

  • Martin Luther King Jr. – I’ve Been to the Mountaintop

Martin Luther King’s Last Speech: I’ve Been to the Mountaintop






Pan-Afrikanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all indigenous and  ethnic groups of Afrikan descent. The movement became known by Marcus Garvey, who was a fearless leader striving to create better conditions for people of Afrikan descent. Marcus Garvey created the Pan-Afrikan flag to show unity for all Afrikan descent all over the world. The Pan-Afrikan flag has three colors which are red, black and green each color have a meaning that brings pan-afrikan people together through unity.

Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey


Flag with three horizontal stripes: red, black, and green
Pan Afrikan Flag – Red: The blood that unites all people of Black African ancestry, and shed for liberation.  Black: For the people whose existence as a nation, though not a nation-state, is affirmed by the existence of the flag. Green: The abundant and vibrant natural wealth of Africa, the Motherland.

Pan-Afrikanism at Augsburg University

Pan-Afrikanism is an intellectual and political movement that grew out of the Afrikan Diaspora. Created through the slave trade, Pan-Afrikanism addresses the natural and spiritual conditions resulting from racism, colonialism, and oppression. Pan-Afrikanism unites and reunites the cultures of the continent and utilizes the vast diversity of human resources to edify humanity. The use of the “k” in the spelling of Afrika is intentional and represents self-definition.