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Thank you Augsburg Custodial Workers!

The Augsburg community is grateful for our custodial workers and the critical role they play in keeping our campus safe. Especially in this difficult time, we thank you for the care you put into your work.

To Our Custodial Staff: The Augsburg community is SO grateful for every one of you!

Augsburg’s students see you and appreciate you:

Toby Reinsma, Student:

I would like to take this time to shout out Walid for his work in the cafeteria. He always greets me every morning with a smile, and I appreciate our conversations in the morning.

Reiss Williams, Student: As a student that was helping run the Share Shop/Campus Cupboard, I am SO grateful to the custodial team for helping keep our space clean. Thank you for everything you do and all your hard work!

Stephanie, Student: There was a custodian in the music building that always cleaned up the hallways in the morning. In the fall semester I would get up to practice and he would be there cleaning up. I remember asking for his name, but I don’t remember what it is now, maybe Jeff, but anyways I always appreciated having a cleaning music building!

Jasmine, Student: I appreciate each and everyone of you for always being kind and positive when we interact. I know cleaning after so many students can be hard but y’all’s dedication truly deserves all the recognition in the world!

Yamile Hernandez, Student: Thank you to our custodial team, for looking out for us. Not only now but all year! Thanks to the custodial team I have been able to move into a clean apartment.

Ed Loubaki, Student: We are very fortunate to have a team who works with care and patience to represent the Augsburg image. The Campus Kitchen team is humbled and grateful for your stewardship in keeping Augsburg spotless. We appreciate you and your work very much, Thank you.

Emma Scherrer, Student: I really appreciate how the sidewalks were always cleared so nicely after it snowed. I never had to worry about having to walk through snow on the sidewalks. It always amazed me how diligently the sidewalks were cleared and the quality of the extent of how much they were cleared. Thank you so much!

Kelton Holsen, Student: Hey! Y’all are great, especially John. The work that you do is incredibly important and often unappreciated. During this time, you, and the many essential student workers, are what’s keeping the school afloat. As such, I strongly urge you to consider unionization and other methods to get the school to increase your pay and address the potential safety concerns associated with having you keep working. I believe that the student body would support you in such an effort. Keep up the good work.

Zinnia, Student: Thank you for working extra hard during this pandemic (even though obviously I wish you didn’t have to)! every morning I wake up to someone playing music while disinfecting the bathroom and it’s sweet especially during this time where nothing else feels real. I’d be doing the same thing at work 🙂

Anonymous Student: The custodial staff at Augsburg has been one of the nicest groups of people that I’ve come to meet. They’re always willing to listen about what you have to say and share what they have to say back. They’re also very caring members of the campus community and want what’s best for the students and staff. An example of this, was the week before Spring Break I was running the Campus Cupboard when one of the custodial members came in and told me to stay safe and take care of my health during this pandemic. Having never actually had a whole conversation with a custodial staff, that first conversation that I had was really heartwarming and showed me that they care for our well-being and want the best for us.

Alex Pruitt, Student:

I want to say thank you to all the custodial staff members for dedicating their time in helping keep the school clean & safe from germs & bacteria everyday. I know in times like this especially it may be harder to have the want to be at work but you chose to stay & help & that means more than words could ever describe thank you!

Ani, Student: Thank you very much for keeping the campus clean during this pandemic!

Anonymous: Thank you Aunties and Uncles. We Love you!

Brittani, Graduate Student: Thank you for keeping our campus clean and inviting!

Augsburg’s faculty and staff see you and appreciate you:

Sarah Degner Riveros, Professor: We are so grateful for the work that you do to make Augsburg a wonderful place. Thank you for care-giving for all of us, for making the space that we work and live safe, healthy, clean, and pleasant. You and your families are in our prayers. We miss you and look forward to being back on campus again soon. With love and gratitude, Sarah

Christina Erickson, Professor: Thank you for all of your hard work! You are also THE MOST FRIENDLY department on campus! All the custodians greet me with kindness and help at a moment’s notice. When my office flooded last summer I quickly had a custodian right by my side to help me empty my water-filled trash can, take items out of the office and suggest ideas for what to do next. I can’t remember the names of everyone I have met, but over the years your care and commitment to our organization have been very real. Thank you. I appreciate your hard work and the many ways we feel good about our work because of YOU!

John, Staff Member: Thanks so much for all you do!

Anonymous Staff Member:

THANK YOU to all the custodial staff who work so diligently to keep our campus well-kept and safe. Your efforts are always appreciated, and even more so during these uncertain times – you have stepped up to faithfully serve the Augsburg community.

Shonna Fulford, Associate Director of Admissions:

I can not say thank you enough to our custodial staff for all they do; during this pandemic but also before. They all go above and beyond to make sure we are taken care of, our spaces are clean, and they always have a friendly smile to share. Those of us in admissions are fortunate enough to be able to work from the safety of our homes, while custodians are serving at the front lines, keeping our campus and community safe and healthy. They are the heroes battling at the front lines and we are grateful for their service, and honored they are Auggies! Thank you for all you do!

Emma Bloom, Staff Member: Thank you for keeping our campus clean and safe! Aster, the Anderson Hall custodian brightens my morning every day as I walk through and we exchange cheerful hellos. Sharmaine and Ozkar are amazing too! Thank you to the whole team for working so hard to keep us safe and for being bright cheery faces at the same time.

Natalie Jacobson, Campus Kitchen Coordinator: Thank you so much to every member of the Augsburg Custodial team for the hard work you do, always, and especially now. Special shout out to Eleni, one of the most kind, warm, bright people I know. It makes my day whenever I see you around campus! Thank you to Eleni and every member of the Custodial team.

Karen Kaivola, Provost: I am so pleased to add an expression of my gratitude to this project. A highlight in recent years has been the annual custodian appreciation event that students organize in the Spring. We can’t gather in the same way this year, so I’m delighted to participate in this project. Thank you for all you do – both in ordinary times and in the extraordinary moment that is now!

Michelle McAteer Head Women’s Hockey Coach: THANK YOU for all your hard work, sacrifice and commitment to Augsburg!

Patrick Connelly, MSW Intern in the Sabo Center: You all are amazing! You are on the front lines of keeping everyone safe and healthy from a deadly pandemic and I so appreciate your work. Eleni, your cheer and smile in the Sabo Center is so valued and needed! Miss seeing you!

Russell Kleckley, Religion Professor: We miss being on campus with you, but even from a distance, appreciate more than we can all that you do to contribute to our work and wellbeing. Please be safe and well until we all can be back together again.

Judi Green, Exec. Asst. to the Provost: Thank you Sharmaine and custodial staff for the hard work you are doing to make sure our campus is safe for students during this time!! I look forward to seeing you on campus when we get to that point! Stay safe!!

Stephen Jendraszak, Staff Member: Thanks so much for everything you’re doing to keep our community and students healthy and safe. Your work is amazing and so appreciated always, but in a special way right now!

Keith Bateman, Staff Member: Thank you for your dedication to the institution, its students, faculty, and staff. I am constantly motivated by your work ethic and the pride you take in your job. The impact you make is not only felt by those on campus, it makes a huge impression on those visiting campus. Your good work impacts the institution in more ways than you may know. Thank you all!

Sarah Griesse, Staff: I have deep gratitude for the work you are doing. Every day I hope and pray that you are healthy and safe along with your families. Thank you for all you are doing!!!

Allyson Green, Chief Sustainability Officer: You all help Augsburg live out it’s sustainability values in so many ways: from dealing with the compost bags that we don’t always fill correctly, to finding things left by students at the end of the year and wondering if students can use them before throwing them away, to growing amazing things in the garden. I also appreciate your willingness to take time out of your extremely busy days to stop and talk and build community. Thanks for everything you do and for working extra hard right now!

Helen Gutierrez, Staff Member: Honestly shout out to Sharmaine Murphy and her team! She is an amazing human being who is always trying to make sure to meet the needs of our community. It’s hard because sometimes we have very last minute cleaning requests or quick room turnarounds that need to happen but Sharmaine and her team always figure it out! Thank you all so much for all of your hard work and presence in our campus. You are truly our front lines and we wouldn’t be able to be on campus without you!

Anonymous Staff Member: I want to say THANK YOU to all of our custodial staff for all of your hard work. You are the members of our community who are on the front line of this pandemic and I know that is coming at a great risk of your health and the health of your family members. I know our thanks is nowhere near enough of what you deserve, but I hope you know your work and sacrifice is not going unnoticed. I see you and your hard work. Thank you for keeping our community safe, and may God keep you and your families safe. Amesegnalew!