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Programs and Projects

IMG_02191Koryne Horbal Lecture Series

The Anne Pederson Women’s Resource Center is also committed to bringing quality women speakers to Augsburg University. This lecture series features women speakers of national prominence who address important issues that especially impact women. The series is named after Koryne Horbal, former ambassador to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and consultant to the Anne Pederson Women’s Resource Center.

Women’s Network

The Anne Pederson Women’s Resource Center recognizes the need for women to find connections in life, career, and education. The Center provides a forum to connect women and gives them connections to launch their own careers and educational pursuits.

Augsburg’s Women’s Story Archive

The Anne Pederson Women’s Resource Center is compiling the Augsburg Women’s Story Archive, which will consist of a series of interviews with Augsburg women. This archive will enable women to become interconnected with students, faculty, staff, and alumni who have come before them. Eventually, this archive will be linked online from the Center’s home page so that Students may access it via the Internet.