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Counseling Services

Center for Counseling and Health Promotion (CCHP)

Visit the CCHP Website and its Community Resources page.

The Center for Counseling and Health Promotion (CCHP) at Augsburg Collegeoffers programs and services that enhance student learning by promoting personal development and well-being. The staff embraces a broad concept of wellness with an emphasis on physical and psychological health. We work in collaboration with the campus community to create a healthy environment for student learning and academic success. We offer three student service areas: counseling, student health clinic, and health promotion.

Face to Face Health and Counseling Service


1165 Arcade Street
Saint Paul, MN

Offers various services for people ages 11-23. The clinic provides: Reproductive Health and Family Planning (birth control) services, Free Pregnancy testing, Sexually transmitted infection testing, HIV testing, and other typical clinic services.

Mental Health Staff: Specializes in dealing with 11-23 year olds about anything from abuse and depression to parent-child conflicts and worries about sexuality.  A list of support groups can be found on the site.

Safe Zone: For 14-20 year-olds, providing emergency shelter, food, clothing, and hygiene supplies.

Pro-Choice Resources


Hersey Abortion Assistance Fund- Hotline (Toll Free): 1-800-439-0124

“PCR is a unique grassroots organization that provides a range of reproductive health services. PCR works every day to reduce barriers to reproductive health access. PCR is the only organization of its kind in the country to offer education, advocacy, financial assistance, and outreach under one roof.”

NARAL Pro-Choice America


NARL Pro-Choice America is an organization dedicated to promoting privacy and a woman’s right to choose.  They use traditional and online organizing methods to mobilize pro-choice Americans in the United States.  This is an organization centered around the political issues of the Pro-Choice movement.

Planned Parenthood


There are several Planned Parenthood clinics in the Twin Cities that offer counseling, birth control, and abortion services.