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Augsburg Women Engaged Sponsors a Campus Cupboard Drive

With no safe housing alternatives for many Augsburg students during COVID-19, they remain on campus this summer. It’s also anticipated that many students will have similar issues in the fall as they return to school. Currently, many nearby stores are temporarily closed and transportation outside of the area isn’t always reliable. As a result, Augsburg Women Engaged (AWE) is sponsoring a drive for the Campus Cupboard and ShareShop to support these students now as well as in the future.

Items can be dropped off June 25 from 3 to 6 p.m., in Lot D at Augsburg. You can also make an online donation which Augsburg will use to purchase small appliances, household items, tools, food in bulk, and gift cards to local businesses such as Seward Coop so our students can be supported with the goods and services they need. Please use the designation: Other and in the “Other” field, enter Campus Cupboard.

A recommended list of items to donate is below.

Campus Cupboard Donation List:

Non-perishable food such as

  • Mac & cheese
  • Ramen
  • Canned tuna/chicken
  • Canned soup (Preferred: more complex soups, i.e., not ‘cream of’ or tomato )
  • Rice
  • Protein supplements (chia, flax, veg protein, whey)
  • High quality granola bars
  • Canned beans

Hygiene and cleaning supplies such as

  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Menstrual products
  • Shampoo/ Conditioner
  • Band-Aids
  • Laundry Detergent (Preferred brands: Seventh Generation, Meyers, Method, Biokleen)
  • Dish Soap (Preferred brands: Seventh Generation, Ecover, Method, Dr Bronner’s)

Thank you for considering a donation!