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2017-18 Christensen Scholars

Sandra Eguida ’18Sandra Eguida

Hometown: Lome, Togo
Major: Accounting

Augsburg gave me the tools to become a leader of my community. I was inspired by a lot of Augsburg professors and advisors. They inspired me to do more and to be more. I am so grateful for all the advice and feedback I heard. Outside of class, I am the president of the International Student Organization of Augsburg. In addition, I am the Treasurer of the Accounting Club of Augsburg. This year I work as a lead staff for Augsburg residence life. Last summer, I interned for the Twin Cities Public Television. I was their accounting intern for three months. I really enjoyed their company and the work I did for them. After graduation, I want to go to grad school and get a Masters in Accounting. I really want to be an expert in my field.

Benjamin erickson ’18Benjamin Erickson

Hometown: Andover, Minnesota
Major: Finance, Economics, Marketing

My favorite thing about Augsburg is the one-of-a-kind community that is here on campus. I also love how connected the alumni are to the school. I think that shows the lasting mark Augsburg leaves on the students that come here. Outside of class, I’m a captain on the Augsburg Cross Country team, a member of the Track and Field team, and the Treasurer and a member of various student groups. Last year, I went to Peru with the Augsburg Cross Country Team and volunteered by restoring ancient Inca ruins for a non-profit organization. My proudest academic achievement was being awarded the Academic All-American Award by the NCAA for Track and Field. After graduation, I plan to have a job with a bank or financial institution as a financial analyst where I can learn and gain experience.

Demey everett ’19Demey Everett

Hometown: Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
Major: Biology and Secondary Education
Minor: Religion

Augsburg has shaped me in many ways. The most influential part though, would be having an open mind in all things, meeting new people, and having new experiences. Without attending Augsburg, I would not be the person I am today. Outside of the classroom you can find me playing lacrosse for Augsburg, running, biking, kayaking, and exploring all over the wonderful state of Minnesota. I love to be outdoors and take it all in. In addition, for the past six years I have actively volunteered at the church I attend, serving on the production team on Sunday mornings. After graduation, I plan to go into the education field and teach life sciences for middle school or high school, as well as coach lacrosse and be actively involved in a youth ministry either connected to the school or the community around it.

Zachery Juaire ’18Zachery Juaire

Hometown: Belle Plaine, Minnesota
Major: Exercise Science

Augsburg has made me a global citizen by experiencing multi-cultural opportunities within the campus community. My favorite thing about Augsburg is the community connection. The campus provides a setting in which students can cultivate many deep friendships. Outside of class, I have volunteered at TRIA Orthopedics Center in Bloomington over the past summer and now I have secured a position volunteering at Methodist Hospital in their physical therapy department. After graduation, I plan to apply to graduate schools for physical therapy.

bethany keyl ’19Bethany Keyl

Hometown: New Haven, Connecticut
Major: Cross-Cultural Studies and Religion
Minor: Spanish

I love Augsburg’s emphasis on “vocation.” I feel very passionately that the work I end up doing in the world should be something I feel called do. I am still very much figuring out what that will be, but with every passing year I feel I have somewhat more of a direction than I did the last year. And I feel so supported by Augsburg’s faculty and staff members who continue to encourage me to figure out what is best for me, but also, along the theme of vocation, to explore where my gifts best meet the needs of the world. I feel so privileged to have been able to study abroad twice during my time at Augsburg (so far!). I went to Amman, Jordan for a semester last year to study Arabic and Middle Eastern Culture. I met so many incredible people there, and had experiences I will never forget, such as walking around Petra, riding a camel through the desert, harvesting olives, and rappelling down a waterfall. Then, this summer I went to Norway to study peace-building and interfaith work. I was impressed by Norway and Norwegians’ commitments to peace, but I also was inspired to realize that if even they still have work to do, the rest of the world really needs to roll up its sleeves. In my first year I interned at Trinity Lutheran Church. While there, I was the Program Assistant for their tutoring program and had the opportunity to be a member of the planning committee for the bi-monthly interfaith conversations hosted in Cedar Commons.

Bashiru “BK” Korman ’18

Hometown: Maple Grove, Minnesota
Major: International Relations/International Business
Minor: Political Science, Spanish, Leadership

My proudest academic achievement was becoming the student body president. I have had multiple internships. Through UpTunships and the Strommen Center, I interned at Breakthrough Twin Cities as Student Services Specialist. This past summer I interned with the Metropolitan Council as an Office of Equal Opportunity Urban Scholar. Outside of class, I participate in Augsburg Men’s Soccer, Student for Racial Justice, Student Government, and LEAD Fellows. After graduation, I plan to work for U.S. Foreign Service and go to graduate school.

Katie Jane Kvilvang ’18Katie Kvilvang

Hometown: Grand Rapids, MN
Major: Youth and Family Ministry
Minor: Psychology

My proudest academic achievement was taking all-team athletic academic achievements, while working, playing lacrosse, and attending school full time. Outside of class, I play women’s lacrosse, and volunteer each Wednesday as a youth leader at an Assembly of God youth group. I work in most of my other free time, with a work-study job, as well as an EMT back up north on the weekends. After graduation, I plan to continue with my part time job as an EMT, as well as work as a pastor, for starters. Eventually, I would like to become a hospital chaplain and work to help people through grief and loss, as best as I can, all while showing God’s love. This might entail continuing education and getting my masters degree, but that is something I plan on just having God guide me through.

Kassandra Quintero Diaz ’19Kassandra Quintero Diaz

Hometown: Bloomington, Minnesota
Major: Accounting

Augsburg has taught me to look with in myself. It has taught me to use more empathy towards my neighbor and just to be a good person in our community. At Augsburg, I have had several study abroad experiences, including going to Belgium and to Germany with my Lacrosse team and getting to learn about World War II and see some of the museums they have. Outside of class, I am a two sport athlete here at Augsburg. I run Cross Country and play Woman’s Lacrosse. I also volunteer with the Campus Kitchen along with just creating fun games for the kids from Riverside. After graduation, I plan to find my vocation while traveling the world.

tiffany widseth ’19

Tiffany WidsethHometown: Aurora, Minnesota
Major: Exercise Science (Pre PT route)
Minor: Religion and Biology

My favorite thing about Augsburg is that the community here is so welcoming and full of amazing people. I meet new people all the time and am constantly learning from them. My proudest academic achievement was presenting research as a McNair Scholar at the University of California Berkeley in 2017. I have worked with faculty on validating a modified version of a tool called the Functional Movement Screen. It is used to assess imbalances and compensatory movements in athletes that may lead to injury. Outside of class, I had a summer internship in 2016 at Northern Pines Hospital in Aurora, Minn. I have also shadowed many Physical Therapy offices around the Iron Range. I have also studied abroad in Nicaragua for a class on Liberation Theology. After graduation, I plan to go on to graduate school and earn my Doctorate in Physical Therapy.


Kasibu “Jondi” Zanzu ’18

Kasibu Jondi ZanzuHometown: San Diego, California
Major: Exercise Science
Minor: Religion and Biology

My proudest academic achievement is being able to attend a University, and also being a first generation college student in my family. Augsburg has made me more knowledgeable and more aware of the different culture, diversity, and religion this institution has. I currently volunteer with Bridging in Roseville, Minnesota. After graduation, I plan to go Madagascar and teach during the summer of 2018, then attend grad school at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities for Physical Therapy.