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Our Initiatives

5 team leads sitting in a circle on chairs

To heal and repair the world, in partnership with humans, requires that we do the hard and slow work to uncover what healing and repairing is needed in very small corners of the world – like neighborhoods.


This is why CCV has come to understand its charge, in our corner of the world, to be about place-based vocational discernment in the public square for the common good. We do this through a variety of initiatives alongside congregations, students, faculty, staff and community members. 


A screenshot of the welcome page on the Riverside CollaborativeJoin the Riverside Collaborative

We are a learning community that lives online and in person. Like trees planted near a river, we seek to form relationships that lead to life. Our aim is to equip churches and leaders to connect with their local communities and to know their neighbors because God calls us to love generously. If you care about being a vital neighbor in the neighborhood, join the Riverside Collaborative to meet others who care too!


Riverside Innovation HubThe Collage of photos of participants from launch event chatting with each other, at their tables, in conversation with each other.Riverside Innovation Hub is an incubator for people and communities exploring the public church in the neighborhood. The Hub convenes two-year learning communities with leadership teams from several congregations. These congregations learn a process for discerning how God is inviting them to become more engaged in their neighborhoods. In addition to the learning communities, the Hub is launching  two additional projects: a book amplifying young adult voices to the church, and an online network where people can learn from and support one another in their work to become public church. 

The Confluence

The group at the overlook over the Mississippi River.The Confluence is an annual weeklong on-campus experience in the summer each year for high school students to gain deeper insight into who they are and the life they want to live as children of God. The CONFLUENCE is an experience that empowers young people to be curious about how their personal story, the world’s story, and God’s story flow together to create a loving and just world. Together in community, participants learn how to practice vocational discernment through a variety of experiences including – intentional community, daily spiritual practices, personality inventories, academic inquiry, theological exploration, and experiential learning in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood and the greater Twin Cities.

Christensen Scholars Program

Headshots of Christensen ScholarsThe Christensen Scholars Program is a community of ten upper-level Augsburg University students who spend a full academic year together in a seminar style course. Christensen Scholars engage  in a deeper interdisciplinary exploration of Christian theological reflection and vocational discernment related to their personal lives and social realities of the world they live in. Throughout the course, they explore a theological understanding of vocation and what it means for their lives.

Contact us to learn more about ways students can participate in the work of CCV or join our bi-monthly CCV Newsletter below!

Join our CCV Newsletter!


AYTI in the chapel with Joe Davis and Dave Scherer singing together.