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Communication Studies, Film, and New Media majors complete both paid and unpaid internships to enrich their skills and experience in their interest area. The department works hand in hand with the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work to craft meaningful internship experiences that are beneficial for both the student intern and for the internship organization.

Communication Studies, Film, and New Media Internship Faculty Supervisor

Students should contact a member of the Communication Studies, Film, and New Media Department Faculty to serve as the faculty supervisor for the internship.

Finding an Internship

Finding an internship is exciting and challenging.  As you begin your search, be sure to consider it.  Check out the Strommen Center webpage. There is a link on the right menu where students can search for jobs and internships. For more hands-on help, contact the Strommen Center.

Find one on your own. Students can work with an organization to create an internship experience. Fill out a learning agreement that becomes a contract between the student and the internship site supervisor.

Check out the Communication Studies & Film Facebook page. Any internship opportunities that are sent to the Communication Studies Department is posted to Facebook.

Getting Credit For Internships

Register for the internship course in your field of study.
• 399: 160 hours/semester
• 397 & 398: 80 hours/semester

Students need to register independently for the internship. Please refer to the Strommen Center Internship Guide at

In order to receive credit for the internship students need to submit the following:

  1. E-mail weekly journals (1-2 pages) that describe the week at the internship. Be specific about work or tasks completed, progress on learning objectives, problem-solving and goals for the following week. Include samples of work when appropriate.
  2. At the end of the internship submit a final summary paper (2-3 pages) that analyzes the internship experience. Questions that guide the paper are: What did you learn? How did the internship either encourage or discourage you from your career choice? What theories from your classes can you apply to this experience?
  3. Submit self and supervisor evaluation forms to the Strommen Center and to your Faculty Supervisor.

Please note: if your internship lasts beyond the end of the semester, you may request an X grade until the internship has been completed.