Bing tracking

INAATE/SE/ [it shines a certain way. to a certain place/it flies. falls./]

November 8, 2017

INAATE/SE/ [it shines a certain way. to a certain place/it flies. falls./]




Adam Khalil and Zack Khalil’s debut film re-imagines an Anishinaabe story, the Seven Fires Prophecy, which both predates and predicts first contact with Europeans. A kaleidoscopic experience blending documentary, narrative, and experimental forms, INAATE/SE/ explores how the prophecy resonates through the generations in their indigenous community on the Michigan/Canadian border. With acute geographic specificity, and grand historical scope, the film fixes its lens between the sacred and the profane to pry open the construction of contemporary indigenous identity.

Adam will be hosting the screening of this film and the discussion that follows.  Come and meet Adam!



INAATESE Photo Press:

“The tattered history of the Ojibway people of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is redeemed through the punk-rock humor of a pair of young native filmmakers in “INAATE/SE/.” -The Wall Street Journal

“An artful and brilliant collage, expressing hope, pain, despair, and the trickster humor that is so evocative of its people.” BOMB Magazine

“Stylistically audacious” The Hollywood Reporter

“Formally adventurous but never esoteric, INAATE/SE is an inimitable model for what radical documentary in the 21st century might be”– Screen Slate


Photo of Adam Shingwak Khalil .jpg

Adam Shingwak Khalil (Ojibway) is a filmmaker and artist. His practice attempts to subvert traditional forms of ethnography through humor, relation, and transgression. Adam’s work has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, UnionDocs, e-flux, Maysles Cinema, Microscope Gallery (New York), Museo ExTeresa Arte Actual (Mexico City), Spektrum (Berlin), Trailer Gallery (Sweden), Carnival of eCreativity (Bombay), and Fine Art Film Festival Szolnok (Hungary). Khalil is a UnionDocs Collaborative Fellow and Gates Millennium Scholar. In 2011 he graduated from the Film and Electronic Arts program at Bard College.

Photo of ZackZack Khalil (Ojibway) is a filmmaker and artist from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, currently based in Brooklyn, NY. His work often explores an indigenous worldview and undermines traditional forms of historical authority through the excavation of alternative histories and the use of innovative documentary forms. Zack’s work has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, UnionDocs, e-flux, and Maysles Cinema. He recently completed a B.A. at Bard College in the Film and Electronic Arts Department, and is a UnionDocs Collaborative Fellow and Gates Millennium Scholar.

Location and Time

Augsburg University
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
Reception 6:15-6:45
Screening begins at 7:00
Discussion with filmmakers follows
This event is free to the public

Thank you to our sponsors: Augsburg University, American Indian, First Nations, and Indigenous Studies Department, American Indian Student Services, Augsburg Indigenous Student Association, and the Institute for Global Studies at the University of Minnesota.

For parking directions visit: You will be parking in Lot L off of 26th between Riverside and Butler Pl. You will need a parking permit. For parking permits contact M. Elise Marubbio at Permits are limited in number.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Augsburg Native American Film Series or this project, please send your checks to:

Augsburg Native American Film Series
Augsburg University, CB 115
2011 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454