You are a first-year student if you have not yet attended a college or university, and you have recently or will soon graduate from high school. If you are currently enrolled in a college or university, you are most likely a transfer or graduate student.
Application Process
To apply as a first-year applicant, please follow these steps towards becoming an Auggie:
- Complete the Common Application
- Submit a non-refundable application fee of $100.00 (US Dollars)
- Request official secondary school transcripts, exam results, and/or mark sheets be sent directly to Augsburg
- Request one letter of academic recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor (optional)
- Provide Proof of English Language Proficiency: All international applicants must submit one of the following minimum scores in order to meet the English Proficiency Requirement for admission:
- TOEFL: 80 iBT
- TOEFL: 8.5 Essentials
- IELTS: 6.5
- Duolingo English Test: 105 (For tests taken on or after July 15, 2019)
- SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 570
- ACT English and Reading: 22
Please note that all application documents must be sent (Email, Fax or Mail) directly to Augsburg from the school, official, recommender, and/or board. Documents will be considered unofficial if sent from the applicant and will not be added to their records.
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