Psychology Major
The major is 10 courses including:
- PSY 105 – Principles of Psychology
- PSY 215 – Research Methods and Statistics I
- PSY 315 – Research Methods and Statistics II
- PSY 400 – Keystone Internship
- At least two courses from the following:
- PSY 325 – Social Behavior
- PSY 354 – Cognitive Psychology
- PSY 355 – Biopsychology
- At least one course from the following:
- PSY 491 – Advanced Research Seminar
- PSY 493 – Seminar: Contemporary Issues
- PSY 495 – Clinical Research and Lab
- Electives (three additional courses in psychology)
Majors are encouraged to take more than the minimum 10 required psychology courses.
Note: A minimum of five courses must be from Augsburg. No more than two courses from among PSY 199, 299, 399, 400 and 499 may be counted.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students should consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of these skills.
All psychology majors must have an advisor in the Psychology department.
Transfer Students
Transfer-course policy for majors and minors: All transfer courses, including ACTC courses, must be approved by the chair. Only those psychology courses successfully completed (C- or above) within the last 10 years will be considered. In general, courses that meet the transfer guidelines may only be applied to elective or PSY 105 credit for the major.
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog. Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher licensure requirements.
Biopsychology Major
The Psychology and Biology Departments jointly offer a program in Biopsychology. See Biopsychology in the departmental pages of this catalog.
Concentration in Clinical-Counseling Psychology
The clinical-counseling psychology concentration is designed to prepare students for careers and graduate education in mental health. Students will learn about the biological, psychological, and social factors related to defining, understanding, and treating psychological disorders. Emphasis is placed on developing knowledge and skills related to both the science and practice of psychology. Experiential learning opportunities include collaborating on faculty-student research projects and completing an internship in a mental health setting. See department chair for specific requirements.
Students take thirteen courses, including:
- PSY 105 – Principles of Psychology
- PSY 215 – Research Methods and Statistics I
- PSY 262 – Psychopathology
- PSY 315 – Research Methods and Statistics II
- PSY 385 – Counseling Psychology
- PSY 400 – Keystone Internship
- Two biological, cognitive, and social foundation courses from the following:
- PSY 325 – Social Behavior
- PSY 354 – Cognitive Psychology
- PSY 355 – Biopsychology
- One course from the following:
- PSY 3xx – Counseling and Interviewing Skills (course currently in development)
- PSY 359 – Assessment
- One developmental foundation course from the following:
- PSY 203 – Lifespan Development
- PSY 250 – Child Development
- PSY 252 – Adolescent and Young Adult Development
- PSY 253 – Aging and Adulthood
- One cultural foundation course from the following:
- PSY 205 – Global Perspectives in Psychology
- PSY 271 – Psychology of Gender
- PSY 275 – Cultural Psychology
- SOC 265 – Race, Class and Gender
- SOC 395 – Mental Illness and Society
- SWK 280 – Diversity and Inequality in Professional Practice
- One additional elective from the following (or a course above that is not already used toward another requirement):
- PSY 201 – Health Psychology
- PSY 261 – Personality and Cultural Context
- PSY 263 – Sports Psychology
- PSY 291 – Addiction and Recovery
- PSY 292 – Topics in Mental Health
- PSY 357 – Behavior Analysis
- PSY 391 – Individual Differences
- PSY 410 – Clinical Neuropsychology
- One course from the following:
- PSY 491 – Advanced Research Seminar
- PSY 493 – Seminar: Contemporary Issues
- PSY 495 – Clinical Research and Lab
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.50 in the major and overall, and completion of a high-quality research project. A formal application must be made during the junior year. Consult the department chair for more detailed requirements.
Five courses, including:
- PSY 105 – Principles of Psychology
- Four additional PSY electives
A minimum of two courses must be taken at Augsburg. No more than two of the following courses can count toward the minor: PSY 199, 299, 396, 399, 400, and 499.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.