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Internships in Psychology at Augsburg are extremely challenging and utterly uplifting. Psychology students are required to obtain an internship that is related to three Psychology courses as well as to their career/life goals. Students set their own goals and learning objectives in the internship. Interns engage in professional activities in a supportive learning environment. Some examples of recent internships include:

Position Location
Chemical Dependency Counselor Hazelden
Mental Health Assistant North Memorial Center’s Crisis Intervention Unit
Death Investigation Intern Anoka, Wright, Meeker Co. Coroner
Youth and Family Counselor The Bridge for Runaway Youth
Marketing Researcher Holiday Inn Metrodome
Sports Psychology Perfect Harmony Consulting
Crisis Counselor Rape and Sexual Abuse Center
Shelter Case Worker Salvation Army Booth Brown House
Juvenile Corrections Officer Juvenile Detention Center
Occupational Therapy Intern Courage Center
Cancer Prevention Awareness American Cancer Society
New Technology Coordinator Cypress Semiconductor
Communications Intern American Red Cross