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Emergency Information


(from on-campus)

Office Phone Number
Public Safety and Security (612) 330-1717
Police Emergency Assistance (612) 330-1717
Rape and Sexual Assault Center (24 hour) (612) 825-4357
Aurora Center (Recovery, support, and advocacy) (612) 626-9111
Augsburg Center for Wellness and Counseling (Confidential} (612) 330-1707
Augsburg University Pastors (Confidential) (612) 330-1732

Building Addresses

Building Address
Anderson Hall 2016 S 8th Street
Luther Hall 715 20th Avenue South
Mortensen Hall 801 21st Avenue South
Oren Gateway 610 22nd Avenue South
Urness Hall 800 22nd Avenue South

update emergency contact information

Before picking up keys, all residents must complete the online Emergency Contact Information form. Please see the instructions and photos below to update your emergency contacts.

  1. Follow this link to access the form: Records and Registration/Student Information/Contacts
  2. Update the form with at least two emergency contacts and one missing person contact

Step 1: Log into Augnet with your username and password. Step 2: Click on Records and Registration. Step 3: Click on Student Info/Contacts

Select "Edit Contact Info" to update two emergency contacts and one missing person contact.

student support guide

Struggling with something that might be making it hard to do your best work as a student?  The Student Support Guide is the place to go if you don’t know where to find support on or off-campus.

Student Support Guide

To access the guide, please make sure your phone or computer is logged in to your Augnet account first, then click on the document.