It was a treat to have alumni join current students for the Honors Program Passing of the Scrolls banquet on Saturday, April 23, 2016. The Honors Program holds a spring banquet annually as a capstone for students and faculty to celebrate the year, hear from senior speakers, and present various awards (both serious and humorous) to current students. This year, however, the banquet took a new spin.
The Passing of the Scrolls theme was adopted not only to recognize the transition of Honors Program leadership from Bob Groven to Phil Adamo, but also as a way to welcome Honors alumni to the banquet. A Roast Bob Groven reception was held before the banquet for current students, alumni, and faculty to mingle while sharing their favorite memories of Groven. Alumni guests from 2006 to the present Honors class took to the microphone to share funny stories and jokes. (Adamo received a decent amount of roasting as well.)
During the banquet, after current students were honored and senior speeches were delivered, a piece of Groven’s legacy was also highlighted. Before entering his Liberating Letters class, all students must have three people write on scrolls predictions about where the student will be in the future. Groven kept these scrolls from graduating classes as early as 2008. Near the closing of the banquet, alumni were called to the front to receive their scrolls. The alumni then remained standing to shake hands with the graduating seniors as they welcomed the soon-to-graduates into the Augsburg alumni ranks.
In all, it was a great opportunity for students and alumni to recognize these instrumental professors and celebrate the end of the academic year. Alumni attendees learned more about the program today, while reconnecting with faculty and one another. More than 100 students, 30 alumni, and various faculty members participated in this wonderful event. Many thanks to Phil Adamo, Bob Groven, the Honors Desk staff, and the Honors Program for making this event happen! Many well wishes to Phil Adamo as he continues his journey as the new director of the Honors Program!