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Rev. Justin Lind-Ayres Publishes Book on Parenting While Christian

Is That Poop On My Arm? book cover of hand holding a diaperAugsburg University and Luther Seminary Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres has recently had his aptly named book “Is That Poop on My Arm? Parenting While Christian” published by Fortress Press. The book is now available in paperback and ebook format.

Lind-Ayres has been at Augsburg since 2013 and this is his first book to be published.

About the Book

Parenting is messy business. Joyful, but messy. When faith is combined with parenting, we double down on the mess. Pastor and father of three Justin Lind-Ayres chronicles his adventures (and misadventures) raising children and passing on his faith to them–teaching them to be compassionate, generous, quick to forgive, and to trust in God’s promises. But this father is sure to point out that it is children who are our best teachers in faith, opening our eyes and our hearts to God’s love for us. In the messy and challenging moments of parenting, and in the joyful ones, God is fully present. And a God who knows your story–especially the messy parts–is a God who can redeem you.

With stories full of humor, honesty, and, yes, even some poop, this book is a welcome encouragement for parents, grandparents, and anyone who cares deeply for the children in their life.