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A New Health Facility in LaCrosse

On April 12, 2022, Augsburg’s Campaign Chair, Dr. Paul Mueller ’84 broke ground on the new state-of-the-art hospital that will be built in La Crosse. Paul Mueller is the Vice President of the Mayo Health Clinic System in Southwest Wisconsin. Numerous Auggies joined this special occasion!

A photo of the group in hard hats holding shovels with dirt. From Left to right,: Jill Billings, Sarah Erkkinen, Amy Alkire, Nancy Mueller, Paul Mueller, Lisa Archer, and Matt EntenzaPictured here with hard hats and shovels are Jill Billings ’89 (Member of Wisconsin State Assembly), Sarah Erkkinen (Associate Vice President of Institutional Advancement), Amy Alkire (Vice President of Advancement), Nancy Mueller ’85 (Augsburg Regent), Lisa Archer MAN ’17 (Chief Nursing Officer for Mayo, La Crosse), and Matt Entenza (Augsburg’s Board Chair).




Read an additional article about this exciting initiative and check out more photos from this historic event: