Degree Requirements 2024-2025
The biopsychology major is designed to offer students an integrative perspective on the biological basis of behavior. Towards this end, students will take courses in both psychology and biology to gain exposure to a broad range of theories and research covering a variety of topics such as cognition, motor control, sensation/perception, emotion, and psychopathology. These topics will be studied at multiple levels of analysis including genetic, neural, and environmental.
The biopsychology major will provide students with a strong foundation of courses in neuroscience, statistics, and chemistry. This broad training can help prepare students for careers in research, medicine, public health, education, and pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries.
Thirteen courses, including at least five courses numbered 300 or above:
- BIO 151 and 151L – Introductory Biology
- BIO 152 and 152L – Ecology, Evolution and Diversity
- BIO 354and 354L- Cell Biology
- BIO 475 and 475L – Neurobiology
- CHM 115 and CHM 115L- General Chemistry I
- CHM 116 and CHM 116L – General Chemistry II
- PSY 105 – Principles of Psychology
- PSY 215 – Research Methods and Statistics I
- PSY 315 – Research Methods and Statistics II
- PSY 355 – Biopsychology
- Two Psychology electives from the following:
- PSY 253 – Aging and Adulthood
- PSY 262 – Psychopathology
- Either PSY 299 or two semesters of PSY 360
- PSY 299 – Directed Study (Research in Biopsychology)
- PSY 360 – Psychology Laboratory (two semesters)
- PSY 325 – Social Behavior
- PSY 354 – Cognitive Psychology
- PSY 391 – Individual Differences
- PSY 410 – Clinical Neuropsychology
- PSY 491 – Advanced Research Seminar
- PSYC 322 – Sensation and Perception (St. Thomas)
- PSYC 407 – Seminar in Behavioral Neuroscience (St. Thomas)
- PSYC 378 – Psychology of Language (Macalester)
- PSYC 486 – Seminar in Neuropharmacology (Macalester)
- Two Biology electives from the following:
- BIO 355and 355L- Genetics
- BIO 369 and 369L – Biochemistry
- BIO 471 and 471L – Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology
- BIO 473 and 473L- Physiology of Humans and Other Animals
- BIO 474 and 474L – Developmental Biology
- BIO 495 – Special Topics in Biology: Animal Behavior (this topic only)
- BIOL 356 – Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Macalester)
- PHY 317 and 317L – Biophysics
- One Keystone course chosen from:
- BIO 490 – Biology Keystone
- PSY 400 – Keystone Internship
- SCI 490 – Integrated Science
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR) and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major. The graduation skill in speaking (S) is met by completing COM 111 or 115. Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill these skills.
Other Requirements
An average grade of C-, with no grade below a D is required for BIO 151 and 152. At least two of the electives applied towards the major must be upper division (300- or 400-level). A minimum of five courses must be from Augsburg.
Transfer Course Policy for Majors
All transfer courses, including ACTC courses, must be approved in writing by the department chair(s). Only those biology and psychology courses successfully completed (C- or above) within the last 10 years will be considered. In general, courses that meet the transfer guidelines may only be applied to introductory or elective credit for the major.
Biopsychology Honors
GPA of 3.5 in the major, and 3.3 overall. Students must complete a high-quality research project, approved and evaluated by three members of the Biopsychology faculty. Formal application must be made no later than the junior year.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.