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About our Collegiate Recovery Program

The StepUp Program

Oren Gateway Center
The substance-free residence hall is located in Oren Gateway Center.

The Augsburg University StepUP Program is a college recovery-based support program aimed at providing structure for enrolled students. We work to address addiction and mental health concerns by collaborating with The Center for Wellness and Counseling which provides on campus mental health support for students. We also help students connect with outside providers for mental health counseling and medication management. This provides a more comprehensive support system for new and ongoing student recovery efforts.

The StepUP Collegiate Recovery Program is for any person in recovery looking to pursue an undergraduate or graduate education at Augsburg University. See how to apply on the admission requirements page.

When participating in the Augsburg University StepUP Program, students are required to:

  • Attend classes regularly
  • Attend mandatory meetings
  • Abstain from using drugs or alcohol

Students in the collegiate recovery program are expected to:

  • Attend weekly counseling sessions
  • Attend community circle meetings

The services provided to students enrolled in the StepUP collegiate recovery program include the following:

  • A sober living experience in the substance-free residence hall located in the Oren Gateway Center
  • Weekly meetings with alcohol and drug counselors in the StepUP Program designed to monitor and enhance a student’s recovery, academic success, and community living issues
  • Big circle meetings with the entire sober college community
  • Access to a variety of on-campus support services
  • Access to our community of strong alumni from the college recovery program

The StepUP Program is not a treatment program. There is no curfew set in place, and students will not be monitored during their daily activities. Instead, this college recovery program is meant to give students a full, enriched collegiate experience with the support and encouragement they need to stay sober.

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