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Sober Living and Campus Resources

Sober college living at Oren Gateway Center

Once accepted into the Augsburg University StepUP ® Program, eligible students will be invited to live in our sober living residence halls in Oren Gateway Center. Transitioning into sober college housing helps students live a life of recovery while thriving in a community of accountability and support.

Oren Gateway Center is a multipurpose, 118,000 square foot building made for sober college housing, working, studying, and eating. It was designed by BWBR Architects in St. Paul, Minnesota, and was built in 2007 to accommodate more than 100 students in Augsburg University’s StepUP Program. The trendy condo-style building also has underground parking.

Oren Gateway Center consists of four floors with ample space for each student. The first floor includes classrooms, offices, the Augsburg University bookstore, Nabo Café, the Veterans Lounge, a conference center, and study spaces. The north wing of the building holds sober student housing on the second, third, and fourth floors. The layout of each residence floor includes separate kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, and storage spaces shared between every three to four sober student residences, giving students enough room to live without feeling crowded. Most of the sober student residences are single bedrooms, and there are several double bedrooms available.

At Augsburg University, we believe every student who wants to live a life of sobriety should have a chance to do so. That’s why we’ve developed partnerships to give students from other local campuses, which don’t have sober living college dorms, an opportunity to stay in Oren Gateway Center’s sober housing while attending their respective schools. Students attending a partner school may contact to learn how to join our sober living community.

Oren Gateway Center Substance-Free Agreement and Recovery Support Agreement

The residential portion of Oren Gateway Center is a place free of alcohol and illegal drugs. Residents and their guests may not use or possess alcohol or illegal drugs while in Oren Gateway Center. Violation of this policy may result in reassignment to other available university housing outside of Oren Gateway. If Oren Gateway Center residents or guests choose to use such substances outside of the building, they may face consequences related to their StepUP and/or sober living eligibility upon their return to Oren Gateway.

As a member of the Oren Gateway Center community, students are part of the Augsburg University commitment to provide recovery support and substance-free living for the Oren Gateway residential population. All students who live in Oren Gateway Center are required to complete the Substance-Free Agreement. Students who live in Oren Gateway Center and who are not participating in the StepUP program are required to complete the Recovery Ally training program and the Recovery Support Agreement in addition to the Substance-Free Agreement.

We’re here to help

Find more information on the sober college housing at Oren Gateway Center.

Contact us with your questions at or 612-330-1526.

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