We want to extend an extra congratulations to these StepUP students who made the 2021 Fall Dean’s List! The Dean’s List recognizes full-time students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher or part-time students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher. This past semester we faced some challenge adjusting as we entered back to in-person classes but you all did incredible and we are proud of you for working your hardest to stay focused on school. Keep up the good work! If you would like to see the entirety of the Dean’s List visit, https://web.augsburg.edu/registrar/deanslist/F21DeansListAll
StepUp Dean’s List
Cozi B.
Logan D.
Cassidy D.
Kramer D.
Bowman D.
Ryan F.
Savanna F.
Camille K.
Hanna K.
Adam K.
Grace R.
Tucker R.
Jake S.
Emily S.
Shelby W.
Andrew W.