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How to Stay Busy as a Film Major During Quarantine

Written by Wyatt Beckson

During this time of social distancing and self-isolation, I’m sure one of the biggest questions you’re asking yourself during this social fiasco is “how do I stay busy?” Like you, I’ve asked myself that question plenty of times. However, through my own experience, I’ve devised a plan that, hopefully, at least one of you can use to your advantage. This is my list of six things you can do to stay busy during quarantine!

#1 Watch Netflix

Yes, I know this might seem pretty obvious as a film major, but hear me out!  There’s an insane amount of genuinely amazing films out on Netflix RIGHT NOW! If you’re looking for something funny, The Hangover is right up your alley! If you’re looking for something more serious, There Will Be Blood is the perfect gem for you. Want to relive the plight of high school? The Perks of Being a Wallflower is right there waiting for you. Is there a side of you that makes you feel like a mob boss? Goodfellas is here to make you question what the word “funny” really means. Do you have an itch that just won’t go away, and only a Spaghetti Western can relieve you of that irritation? The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is the itch cream to soothe your desires. There’s more you can explore on your own! Trust me, there are films you never thought you would have found! All you need is time (and you’ve got lots of it) in a time of social distancing!

#2 Tune into one of the Film Department’s weekly Film Fridays

I know I’ve mentioned Netflix earlier, but perhaps you’re more of a social filmgoer like myself. If that’s the case, I have a convenient solution! Every Friday at 9 pm, for the rest of the semester, I will be hosting a Netflix watch party, showing a different film each week! All you need to do to join is have Google Chrome as an internet browser, download the extension “Netflix Party”, and I’ll send you the link to the watch party!

#3 Write that script you never had time to produce

As I mentioned before, we have plenty of time to kill during the quarantine. Why not use it to your advantage? Now is the perfect time to write that script that you’ve been holding back on! Even if you use baby steps, using this time to accomplish that goal will give you something to do, and give you that burst of relief once you finish it.

#4 Make a short film

Listen, I know we don’t currently have the resources provided by the equipment room to check out, that grade-A equipment like we normally do. However, a good amount of us have a camera on our phones, enabling a lot of us to shoot something, even if it is in the comfort of our own space!

#5 Offer up your skills as a freelancer

While this might not be the most favorable choice by many, we certainly have to acknowledge that the employment market is suffering, and will continue to suffer as a result of the coronavirus. With this in mind, if you’re looking for some extra money, freelancing is certainly an opportunity for you to make some. Luckily, we live in the age of the internet. This means that a lot of things are happening over the internet! And they need videos! Take advantage of that opportunity and make some cash while you up your skills as a filmmaker!

#6 Brush up on your other creative outlets

At least in my own experience, I know a lot of filmmakers who have other artistic passions and desires. One of my best friends, Lukas, is also a singer/songwriter, and loves to draw on the side. Like him, I also draw during my spare time. This is where I’d like to encourage all of you to either find a new creative outlet, or brush up on an existing one, just for the sake of relieving anxiety and passing the time. Maybe like me, drawing is your thing. Maybe it’s something different, like graphic design, photography, poetry, music, painting, knitting, or something completely different! Now is definitely the time to find something creative that you deem is therapeutic to your wellbeing. There are plenty of scientific entities supporting this idea. If it helps me out, maybe it’ll help you out too!

Hopefully, there is at least one thing on this list that can help stay busy during the quarantine. Believe me, I’m well aware that this is not an easy time, and likely, it’s gonna be something we’ll have to endure for a while longer. As so many people have said before, as long as you can keep your mind and body running, we can march through this ordeal through the very end. Stay safe, stay busy, and as Dory says, “Just keep swimming”.


Your resident film major,

Wyatt Beckson ‘20
Film Production Major, Graphic Design Minor