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Mustafa Family Crime Ring Indicted

On August 12, 2014, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota announced that it had indicted the Mustafa Family Crime Ring.  In addition to the U.S. Attorney’s press release, multiple media outlets, including Fox 9, the Star Tribune, the Pioneer Press, and MPR, among many others, reported the indictment that involved an Apple Valley based crime ring.

According to the U.S. Attorney, the Mustafa Family Crime Ring stole identities to defraud phone companies and used 13 stores across the twin cities to sell fraudulently obtained phone accounts at deeply discounted prices.  The Crime ring also used robbery of phones, commonly known as “apple picking.”  MPR reported on the twin cities wide uptick in robbery of cell phones during the past year.  The rise in robbery of cell phones coincided with the Crime Ring’s conspiracy to obtain cell phones through direct theft and robbery.

According to Fox 9, he University of Minnesota Police were also involved in the investigation, “Police Chief Greg Hestness said the takedown of Mustafa family attacked the root of last fall’s campus crime wave.”


You Can Help Prevent Crime at Augsburg!

-Trust Your Instincts – If you sense trouble, get away

-Be Observant and Aware – Remain alert, be aware of your surroundings, observe the other people around you.  Know who is around you.  Be alert for suspicious behavior (e.g. a person wearing a long coat in the middle of summer, loitering, etc.)

-Walk Confidently and Do Not Make Yourself a Target – Robbers are looking for an easy target.  Keep your head up and eyes alert and walk at a steady pace.  Do not walk while looking at you phone and avoid carrying lots of packages or other belongings.

-If You are Robbed – Stay calm and remember: safety first!  Follow the robber’s directions, but do not volunteer more than asked for.  If you have to move, tell the robber what you are doing and why.  Try to get a good look at the robber so you can describe him/her later.  Give the robber time to leave and note the direction he/she travels.

-After a Robbery – CALL DPS OR THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY.  Avoid touching anything the robber has touched.  Try to recall as you can about the robber including speech and mannerisms.

-Notify DPS of any suspicious activity right away