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Report A Crime or Concern

Making a Report

Help keep our campus safe! You can report to Augsburg in several ways, including any crime, suspicious activity, or public safety concern. Public Safety Officers are available to take reports from anyone 24 hours a day, or you can file an online report for certain non-emergency situations.

Whether you are a victim of, or a witness to, a crime, University policy violation, or just have a concern – on or off campus – we’re here to help!

If you make a report, we will first check to ensure you are safe and then, if needed, help you contact the appropriate agency to follow-up on your information.

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Reporting to Augsburg

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Reporting to Minneapolis Police

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Requesting a Report from Augsburg

Reporting Requirements for Employees

All employees are required to report incidents of sexual misconduct and maltreatment of a minor or vulnerable adult. Many employees are Campus Security Authorities are are required to report additional crimes to the University. Click on the headings below for more information.

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Clery Crimes (Campus Security Authorities)

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Sexual Misconduct (All Employees)

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Maltreatment of Children or Vulnerable Adults (All Employees)

Using Campus Shield

CampusShield Smartphone App logo

The Augsburg Department of Public Safety offers a free safety app to serve as an additional communication tool for our students, staff, and faculty. The CampusShield app offers four major features: emergency calling, submit a tip, safety check, and student emergency procedures.

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How to Install the CampusShield Safety App

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How to Use the CampusShield Safety App