Help keep our campus safe! You can report to Augsburg in several ways, including any crime, suspicious activity, or public safety concern. Public Safety Officers are available to take reports from anyone 24 hours a day, or you can file an online report for certain non-emergency situations.
Whether you are a victim of, or a witness to, a crime, University policy violation, or just have a concern – on or off campus – we’re here to help!
If you make a report, we will first check to ensure you are safe and then, if needed, help you contact the appropriate agency to follow-up on your information.
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In emergency and non-emergency situations, you can contact the Department of Public Safety (24/7):
Phone: 612-330-1717
Text: CampusShield app (download via Apple or Android)
In Person: Urness-Mortensen Lobby, 801 21st Ave S
In non-emergency situations, you can report in several ways:
Title IX Coordinator at 612-330-1034,, or Memorial Hall 118
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Augsburg University is located in the first precinct of the Minneapolis Police Department which is the primary law enforcement agency that serves Augsburg University. For emergencies, call 911. For non-emergency crimes or incidents that do not require an immediate police response, call Minneapolis Police Non-Emergency at 612-348-2345. For certain, non-violent crimes and thefts under $1,000.00, the Minneapolis Police Department also provides the MPD E-File system where you can file your report online.
Tips for when and how to call Minneapolis 911 & 311 can be found on their website’s Report a Crime.
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The Department of Public Safety releases incident reports under a limited set of circumstances. You may request the release of a report from DPS at for the following incident types:
An incident where DPS and/or local EMS provided medical services for you.
An incident where your property was damaged, lost, or stolen.
A motor vehicle accident report.
DPS will honor all lawful requests for the release of incident reports from all local, County, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies.
If you would like to request any other type of incident report filed by the Department of Public Safety, please contact the Dean of Students Office at or 612-330-1160 in order to request release of these reports.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Clery Crimes (Campus Security Authorities)
A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is a trained member of the Augsburg community who are required to notify the University of any offenses or crimes that take place on or near campus and/or impact a member of campus and fall into one of these categories:
Alcohol, drug, and weapons violations
Aggravated assault
Criminal homicide
Hate crimes involving larceny/theft, simple assault, intimidation, and damage
Motor vehicle theft
Sex offenses, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking
CSAs can report any crime, offense, or incident that fits these criteria using the methods listed above. It is important that an exact date and location of the incident be included in your report. Please be thorough in your report and include a brief description of the incident so that crimes can be appropriately classified.
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All University employees who are not confidential employees (e.g., confidential resources in Campus Ministry and the Center for Wellness and Counseling) and who obtain or receive information about conduct that reasonably may constitute Sexual Misconduct must report that information to the Title IX Coordinator at 612-330-1034 or Student employees who receive such information in the course of their work position or duties also must report the information to the Title IX Coordinator.
Incidents that must be reported by University employees include:
Incidents personally observed;
Incidents/allegations that are reported to the employee; and
Incidents/allegations of which the employee otherwise becomes aware.
Such reports should be made as soon as possible and should include all relevant details needed to assess the situation. This includes, to the extent known, the names of the complainant, respondent, and others involved in the incident, as well as relevant facts, including the date, time, and location of any incident.
Employees who receive such reports of Sexual Misconduct should not attempt to “investigate” the allegation or require the reporting individual to provide all of the details surrounding the alleged Sexual Misconduct. To the extent the reporting individual provides details, that information should be provided to the Title IX Coordinator.
University employees who are not confidential resources and receive a report of Sexual Misconduct should bring the report directly to the Title IX Coordinator and should not share information about the report with any other individual. If the employee is uncertain whether the information should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, the employee should seek guidance from the Title IX Coordinator before providing the Title IX Coordinator with any identifiable information regarding the report.
Failure of a University employee who is not a confidential resource to report allegations of Sexual Misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator may result in disciplinary action.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Maltreatment of Children or Vulnerable Adults (All Employees)
Any University employee who knows or has reason to believe a child is being maltreated or has been maltreated within the preceding three years on campus or University property or in connection with any University event, program, or activity must report it immediately to the Title IX Coordinator. In addition, as a mandatory reporter under Minnesota law, such individuals must also immediately report the abuse or neglect to the local welfare agency or police department. Additional information regarding county offices can be found here:
Additionally, any University employee (except confidential resources) who becomes aware of the abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult on campus or University property or in connection with any University event, program, or activity must report it immediately to the Title IX Coordinator and to the state Adult Abuse Reporting Center at 1-844-880-1574.
Using Campus Shield
The Augsburg Department of Public Safety offers a free safety app to serve as an additional communication tool for our students, staff, and faculty. The CampusShield app offers four major features: emergency calling, submit a tip, safety check, and student emergency procedures.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How to Install the CampusShield Safety App
Once downloaded, open the CampusShield App and select “Augsburg University” from the list of institutions (it will be near the top of the list).
Fill out your profile information.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How to Use the CampusShield Safety App
How to Use the CampusShield Safety App
Once the CampusShield Safety App is installed on your phone and you have created a profile, you are ready to use the App. There are four major uses for the App; emergency calling, submit a tip, safety check and student emergency procedures.
Emergency Calling
The emergency calling feature is like having a mobile emergency call box in your pocket. When you open the App you will see a red rectangle with the word “Emergency” in it; when you press this button on campus you will be connected directly to Public Safety. While the emergency mode is active, our dispatchers will be able to track your movement using your phone’s GPS location, so even if you’re not able to speak with the dispatcher, we will be able to dispatch an officer to your location. The GPS tracking feature is only available when the emergency mode is active. After you disable the emergency mode by entering your personal pin number (chosen when you create your profile), we will not be able to track your movement until you reactivate the emergency mode.
If you press the emergency button outside of the campus boundaries (20th Ave S to 25th Ave S, and Riverside Ave to I-94), you will be connected with the local 911 dispatch center.
Although by using this feature both our dispatch center and/or the 911 dispatch center will be able to track your location, please provide your location to the dispatcher if you are able to do so.
Submit a Tip
Using the iReport feature in the App, you are able to send texts, photos and videos directly to our dispatch center. The texts, photos and videos you send are received in real time and you are able to have a text conversation with our dispatchers. While using this feature, you are able to send information either with your profile information visible or as an anonymous individual. To use the Submit a Tip feature:
Tap on the yellow iReport button in the top left of the main App page.
Once on the iReport page, press on the “select category” button at the top of the page and select the type of incident you are reporting.
After selecting a type of incident, select the text box below the “select a category” button and describe the situation you are seeing; please include location information in your description.
Then you can choose to upload a photo and/or video (not required).
Once you have completed the information sections, you can choose to send the report anonymously by selecting the check box below the “Upload a Video” button; if you do not want to send the report anonymously, then you can leave the check box unchecked.
After entering the information, click the “Send Report” button at the bottom of the screen, which will open a direct chat with our dispatch center, allowing you to continue to update our staff on the situation.
Safety Check
FriendWatch provides an extra layer of protection for potentially dangerous situations. Users can enter emergency contact phone numbers of friends and family members in their profile, then activate FriendWatch’s timer before the activity (running in the park at night, walking to their car). If the timer hits 0:00 before the user enter’s their personal PIN, emergency contacts are notified. These contacts can then notify Public Safety or 911 who can check on the user. To activate FriendWatch:
Enter up to 3 contacts in your profile, either when setting up the App or by selecting your profile page in the App.
Select the FriendWatch feature on the main page of the App (green button in the upper right corner).
Describe the activity you are doing (walking from class to your car, going for a run, walking to the light rail, etc.).
Select an amount of time for the timer (up to 1 hour).
Once the timer is activated, your selected contacts will be notified that you have activated the FriendWatch feature with a link to show your location on a map and the amount of time on your timer.
If you complete your activity safely, enter your PIN and press the “Stop Timer” button to deactivate the timer – your contacts will be notified that you completed your activity safely.
If you are not able to enter your PIN before the timer runs out, the App will automatically text the contacts you picked with your location. The timer will start over and will continue to send updates to the contacts you selected until you are able to enter your PIN.
Student Emergency Procedures
By pressing the “Campus Resources” button, you can have access to several emergency procedure documents including active shooter/active violence, fire evacuation, and severe weather. You can also find information on services provided by Public Safety by pressing the “Services” button on the main App page. From the Services page, you can request an escort, access a campus map and get information on the Light Rail system.