Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How do Augsburg students, staff, and faculty purchase a permit in the parking system?
Go to Inside Augsburg and login using your Augsburg credentials. Click on the link for “Parking Services” on the Inside Augsburg page, and you’ll be taken to the website for our parking vendor, Municipal Parking Services (MPS), powered by SentryLink.
Once you’re on the MPS website, select “Sign in with Augsburg Credentials”, then click the button “Continue with Augsburg” and you’ll be signed in using your Augsburg account. From here, follow the instructions below to purchase a permit:
Select “Purchase Parking Permits in Augsburg University”, and you’ll be taken to a page that will show your current Active or Future permits.
After reviewing this page, if you wish to continue with purchasing a permit, click on “Next” to view the available parking permit options.
Select the option you wish to purchase, check the box stating you have read the above statements, then click on “Next”.
Enter your vehicle(s) license plate information.
You may enter several license plates under one active permit. Please enter all known license plate number for vehicles you may bring to campus to avoid tickets).
Double check that you have entered the license plate number(s) correctly. Incorrectly entered license plates will result in a ticket.
Once you have entered the license plate(s) to be covered by the permit, click on next to review your purchase, and click on “Begin Checkout”.
Enter payment information and click on “Checkout”.
Staff and Faculty have the option to choose payroll deduction, which will take a set amount out of each pay check until the full amount of the permit has been paid.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Do I need a physical permit to display in my vehicle?
No. Since the MPS system uses license plate reader cameras (LPRs) to monitor Augsburg parking lots, you will not receive a physical permit for your vehicle. Instead, your license plate(s) act as your permit. To ensure you are not erroneously receiving a ticket, make sure to keep your listed vehicle(s) information up to date in your MPS online account.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on If I have a rental vehicle or bring a different vehicle to campus other than the one that is registered, am I able to add/remove vehicles from a permit?
Yes. Augsburg community members can update their MPS parking profile at any time by clicking on the “Parking Services” link on Inside Augsburg, signing into the MPS website and clicking on the option “Edit a current/future permit”. From there, you can add or remove vehicles associated with your Augsburg permit. Users can add multiple vehicles to a permit, but can only have one vehicle per permit in on-campus parking at the same time. If you will have more than one vehicle on campus at the same time, please contact prior to coming to campus to make sure both vehicles are permitted to park in Augsburg-owned parking lots.
It is recommended to add/remove any vehicles prior to coming to campus to avoid receiving a ticket. However, you can contact the Department of Public Safety to help secure a permit or add a vehicle after you park it in a campus parking lot and will not receive a ticket as long as a vehicle is attached to a permit prior to driving out of the parking lot.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How will I know if I received a violation?
All violations are currently sent through the mail to the address of the registered owner (registered owner through your issuing state’s Department of Motor Vehicles). Students who have their vehicle(s) registered to their off-campus home address will have any violations sent there. Staff/faculty and visitors will also have any violations sent to the vehicle owner’s registered address via mail. Make sure you know who is listed as the registered owner of the vehicle, and make sure they inform you if any mail from Augsburg arrives in order to receive any tickets in a timely manner.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Am I able to appeal any violations I receive?
Yes. You are able to appeal any violations within 21 days from the date issued. To appeal a violation, login to Inside Augsburg and click on “Parking Services”. After signing in to the MPS website, click on the link to “Pay/Dispute a Violation”. Enter your vehicle license plate and the violation number and select the violation you wish to appeal. Fill out the form as completely as possible and submit your appeal. Appeals will be reviewed as soon as possible and users will be notified of the appeal outcome.
If you are unable to submit an appeal through the MPS website, you may email with your appeal. Please include your name, license plate number, and ticket number. Any appeals received 21 days or more after the date the ticket was issued may not be considered.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on What are the reasons I can appeal a ticket?
Any instance in which you were ticketed erroneously, such as a system error or an error on behalf of the Department of Public Safety, please contact the Department of Public Safety as soon as possible to correct the mistake and to help us identify any issues with the parking system. You may appeal any ticket in which you do not believe you should be held responsible for the parking violation. However, it is the responsibility of all Augsburg community members to understand and follow the campus parking rules, and to make sure their guests are aware of and following the parking rules on campus. We encourage all Augsburg community members, guests, and visitors to contact the Department of Public Safety at 612-330-1717 or to ask any parking questions prior to bringing a vehicle onto campus.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How does the parking system work for visitors to campus?
Guests of the University
Guests of the university are people invited to campus on official business such as parents/guardians of current students, visiting professors, guest speakers, and prospective students, among others. Guests of the university will not be charged for parking and will work with their host and the Department of Public Safety to provide them with the proper permit prior to arriving on campus. Anyone hosting a guest should contact with details of the visit (date, time, and duration of visit) and include license plate information for your guests, if known. Please plan ahead if possible and request guest permits at least one week in advance of their visit.
Visitors are people who come to the Augsburg’s campus for pleasure and do not have official business with the University. Visitors wanting to park on the west end of campus (including lots A, D, E and G) will need to purchase a $5 permit in order to park in Augsburg-owned parking lots. Permits can be purchased through the Sentry Mobile phone app (available for free for Android or Apple devices), or by visiting the MPS website and creating an account. Lots L and K are free to park in after 4:00 p.m. and on weekends due to existing rental agreements for our athletic facilities; however, these parking lots will require a valid permit to park in Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
All guests and visitors are encouraged to download the Sentry Mobile phone app prior to your visit. If you need help with guest/visitor parking on campus, please contact the Department of Public Safety at 612-330-1717 or email
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on If I'm coming to campus as part of an event or space rental will I need to pay for parking?
The Department of Public Safety works with University Events and/or the Athletic Facilities Department for all on-campus events and space rentals, and parking rates are determined on a case-by-case basis, though most events do not require individuals to pay for parking. If you have questions about a specific event or rental, please work with your Augsburg contact on campus to determine if parking rates would apply to your event/rental.
Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Do I have to get a $5 permit to pick-up or drop-off someone on campus?
No. Vehicles have a 10-minute grace period from the time they enter a parking lot before being counted as a “parking session”. So in most instances, you do not need a permit to pick-up or drop-off a person or items. If you plan on being in a parking lot for more than 10 minutes you should purchase a $5 permit, contact prior to your visit, or stop by the Department of Public Safety to avoid receiving a violation. If the person you are picking up is taking longer than 10 minutes, but you don’t plan on spending any time on campus, you can leave a parking lot prior to the end of the 10 minute grace period, and re-enter to restart the 10 minute grace period.