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Parking System FAQ

If you have any questions or feedback about Augsburg’s parking system launched after reading through the Frequently Asked Questions below or the Parking at Augsburg University Brochure, please email

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How do Augsburg students, staff, and faculty purchase a permit in the parking system?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Do I need a physical permit to display in my vehicle?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on If I have a rental vehicle or bring a different vehicle to campus other than the one that is registered, am I able to add/remove vehicles from a permit?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How will I know if I received a violation?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Am I able to appeal any violations I receive?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on What are the reasons I can appeal a ticket?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on How does the parking system work for visitors to campus?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on If I'm coming to campus as part of an event or space rental will I need to pay for parking?

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Do I have to get a $5 permit to pick-up or drop-off someone on campus?