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Sexual Misconduct Resources

Augsburg University strives to maintain a University community free of sexual misconduct and is committed to addressing sexual misconduct in all its forms. The University works to create and maintain a positive learning, working, and living environment in which community members are aware of and respect the rights of others and in which community members take responsibility for their actions. To that end, the University prohibits sexual misconduct and will take steps to prevent its recurrence and to correct its effects.

What is Sexual Misconduct?

Sexual misconduct is a broad term that includes various types of misconduct, including but not limited to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation. Click here for the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.

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Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Domestic Violence

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Dating Violence

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Stalking

Use the button on the following heading to expand content on Sexual Exploitation

Victim’s Rights and Resources

The Department of Public Safety is available to assist you in contacting law enforcement (if you wish to do so) and/or emergency medical services as well as other University resources listed below. The Department of Public Safety is also available to provide transportation for medical care. Victims of sexual misconduct can choose whether they wish to contact law enforcement and to have the University’s assistance in contacting law enforcement. The University will contact law enforcement if there is a threat to the campus community, there is an ongoing threat to you, you have a life threatening injury, or you are incapacitated.

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