This practicum explores meanings and expressions of health, illness, caring, and healing transculturally. It emphasizes how health and illness are related to inequities in society and dynamics of power in systems of health care, formal and informal. Exploring health as a human right, students will begin to name and bear witness to structures of injustice and health inequities within the context of post-civil war Guatemala. Students are offered a wide variety of experiences to learn from the indigenous Maya how health and healing are threatened by social structures or sustained in community. In addition, students experience traditional Mayan healing rituals and hear stories of the strategies the poor employ to create health in communities and fair access to health resources. Through dialogue with community leaders and local residents, the impact of health inequities and structural violence, as defined by Dr. Paul Farmer, in Pathologies of Power: Health, Human rights and The New War on the Poor is explored.
Courses Offered
- NUR411P-SA: Practicum: Community Health Nursing II
- NUR 500P-B: Transcultural Health Care
- NUR501P-B: Nursing Leadership in Complex Adaptive Systems
- NUR 505P-B: Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice
- NUR 541P-B: The Politics of Health Care
- NUR 742-A Practicum: Health & Community Building
*Practicum specifics and hours of credit:
DNP students enrolled in NUR742-A will earn 2 course credits for 90 practicum hours. DNP/MAN students enrolled in 500 level courses will only earn 2 course credits if enrolled in two 500 level courses with practicums during the semester of the trip (such as NUR500P-B, NUR501P-B, NUR505P-B, NUR 541P-B). For example, you must be taking NUR 541 and NUR 500 in the same semester you travel in order to use towards the assigned practicum (NUR 541P + NUR 500P). If you are in one of the DNP tracks, and you are taking only one MAN course (NUR500, NUR501, NUR505 or NUR541), then you can enroll in a NUR 701 to count 45 hours towards your required DNP hours as well as the required practicum course (NUR 500P, NUR501P, NUR505P, or NUR 541P). If you are in the MAN program, and you are only in one course, then you can only earn 1 course credit for 45 hours. The BSN will count as 1 course credit for NUR411P-SA. All students, despite the differences in courses or programs, will be expected to participate in the immersion experience equally.
This immersion course is typically a 8-10 day experience that is offered in March every other year. Space is limited, so please indicate your interest in participating in the course by emailing Colleen Hagerman (hagerman@augsburg.edu). The dates for the next immersion are March 18 – 27, 2025.
Students in the BSN, MAN and DNP programs can take this immersion for practice hours, as a required course, or as an elective.
This experience is only available for Augsburg University nursing students.
Faculty Lead
Drs. Heather Nielsen & Anna Pirsch (nielsenh@augsburg.edu , pirsch@augsburg.edu )
What Students Are Saying
“The Guatemala immersion experience was amazing and life transforming. My world view has been expanded and I am inspired to incorporate what I have learned into my practice as an RN.” -Craig
This program is coordinated in conjunction with the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) at Augsburg University.