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Getting Ready for Fall Semester!

Moodle Grid for a 16-Week Semester, with Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” as background.
Moodle Grid for a 16-Week Semester, with Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” as background.

We are eager to meet and welcome you this fall! By “we” we mean the 18 faculty who are scheduled to teach RLN (Religion) courses in the upcoming term. By “you” we mean the 600+ new and returning students signed up in one or more RLN courses this fall.

Department members are currently hard at work getting your course Moodle sites set-up for the various learning modalities being offered: face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online.

Watch this space for posts featuring individual faculty and students. Also, watch this space for information announcing our partnership with Augsburg’s Philosophy Department!