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Our Signature Courses

Augsburg’s core curriculum includes courses related to the study of life’s meaning and purpose. The Religion Department faculty consider it a privilege and honor to provide a rich and meaningful foundation for all students.


Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I (RLN 100)

Augsburg embraces a world of many cultures, beliefs, and traditions. This introductory course invites students into that engagement between religious commitment and the world through an exploration of vocation, pluralism, and diversity. The course encounters the search for meaning through the narratives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and encourages students to consider their own religious, philosophical, and ethical commitments in dialogue with other perspectives. Course related texts, activities, and experiences foster critical thinking and inquiry.

Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning II

For their second required Religion course, students may choose from a wide range of courses that build on the foundational themes established in RLN 100 and continue the exploration of vocation, the search for meaning, and role of Religion in public life in the context of particular issues, topics, and people. These courses focus the study of Religion through a specific topic or issue from the broad field of Religion and its connection to Public Life in a variety of social, cultural, and historical settings.

One option, RLN 200: Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning II, develops themes from RLN 100, including vocation, culture, pluralism, and interreligious dialogue. Other courses are described in the course listings.  Any course taken in fulfillment of this requirement may count toward a potential Religion major or minor.