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Meet Our Student Community Garden Coordinators!

The Medtronic Foundation Community Garden at Augsburg University is in full swing, despite a slow start as we navigated how to safely grow food together through COVID-19. Our student workers have been invaluable in helping prepare gardens for planting – both their own communal student plot and plots for some neighbors who needed support – and in making sure health and safety measures like washing shared tools are happening regularly. The garden gathers an inter-generational, intercultural group of neighbors each year, and our student workers have been an invaluable part of making this space available this summer!

Tulela Nashandi woman in a blue shirt smiling in a selfie

woman in red shirt leanign into a storage bench with signs sitting on top of the neighboring bench(She/her/hers)

Senior Biology major

Where are you from?

  • I was born and raised in Namibia.

What have you learned in the garden so far?

  • I have learned that having a green thumb is more than just natural talent, a lot of research goes into the success of gardening.

What has been challenging or surprising?

  • The most challenging part has been figuring out what plants that grew from previous years were food or weeds.

What do you wish more people at Augsburg knew about the garden?

  • I wish more people knew how relaxing and rewarding it is. You really feel like you are part of a community that is doing something really cool. Yep that’s it I wish people knew plants are cool 🙂 It is amazing to see how beautiful some of the gardens look so organized and full of produce.

Soyome Moyawoman in jean vest standing in a vegetable garen holding a trellis and smiling


Biology, Class of 2020

Where are you from?

  • Oromia/Ethiopia

What have you learned in the garden so far?

  • I have learned about the importance of gardening for your mental health. It is a great way to meditate and appreciate nature.

What has been challenging or surprising?

  • The most challenging part of gardening is the work that has to be done during the planting season.

What do you wish more people at Augsburg knew about the garden?

  • The garden is a great place to come together as a community and build relationships.

Francesca Saviowoman with long black hair standing in front of a tall cathedral


First-year Biology major and Chemistry minor

Where are you from?

  • I’m from Italy

What have you learned in the garden so far?

  • I have learned that spending time growing new plants helps me relax and connect with nature.

What has been challenging or surprising?

  • The most challenging part is to learn how to distinguish the different types of plants from the weeds.

What do you wish more people at Augsburg knew about the garden?

  • I wish more people knew how rewarding it is to see grow plants and have the opportunity to eat something that you harvested. I also wish people knew how good of an opportunity is to spend time in a garden together connecting not only with nature but also with the community.

Reyna Lopezwoman with a blonde ponytail and blue shirt taking a selfie


Sophomore, Double major: Psychology, and Marketing; minor: Creative Writing

Where are you from?

  • Saint Paul MN

What have you learned in the garden so far?

  • Patience is key. Things take time, work, and effort.

What has been challenging or surprising?

  • Nothing

What do you wish more people at Augsburg knew about the garden?

  • That anyone can do it, it a resource for many here at Augsburg, and for the community surrounding Augsburg.