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Your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume is a summary of your relevant accomplishments. The two differ somewhat in format and expectations.


The resume is intended to be a short (1-2 page) summary of relevant work, education, volunteer experiences, awards, and skills.

Describe each experience in brief, denoting important skills, responsibilities, and successes using active verbs.

Because the resume is intended to be short, it should be tailored for each use, presenting the most pertinent information. It may help to keep a master document with everything that you might include to make compiling the resume for specific use more efficient.

See the Strommen Center Resumes and Cover Letters page for templates and advice on how to make your resume as strong as possible.

Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae (CV) is often used in academic settings in place of a resume. A CV is a longer portrait of a person’s academic work, including research projects, presentations, publications, honors, awards, and so on.

The CV is generally intended to represent the totality of your scholarly experience, so it will change very little from use to use, other than the addition of new information.

Though the CV is longer than a resume, you should still strive for concise writing that uses strong verbs to show you in action. See the Purdue Online Writing Lab advice on CV writing for a great resource on effectively constructing your CV.


Strommen Center Resumes and Cover Letters page (Augsburg University)

Introduction to Resumes and CVs (Purdue OWL)

“185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome” (The Muse)

“CV templates to fit every stage of your career” (The Guardian)

“Graduate Resume and Curriculum Vitae Guide” (University of Minnesota)