In March, more than 200 Auggies spoke up with their members of Congress on behalf of college students and institutions across the nation. Congress made an important first step at that time, passing the CARES Act legislation that provided critical funding for college students and their institutions, but more federal support for higher education is needed.
The national associations that represent higher education, including the National Association for Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU), have a new request for Congress as the body considers further action to support those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
NAICU and the Minnesota Private College Council have asked us to encourage individuals who are concerned about our students and institutions to reach out to your elected officials. Please consider making your voice heard with your representatives. Many of our faculty and staff have already written on behalf of our institution, as it’s especially powerful for members to also hear from their constituents individually.
You can find out more and take action here: