The Augsburg Religion Department and Institutional Advancement are now seeking student and alumni input for artwork to be installed in the new Hagfors Center. The artists Greta McLain and Stanton Sears and Andrea Myklebust are seeking your best ideas on text passages that could accompany three artworks designed for the new building. Selections of text may come from any literary work or religious text of any faith tradition, as long as they are inspiring and fitting with the spirit of the artwork. For students, display boards depicting the artwork designs will be posted around campus, where anyone may fill out a slip and drop it in the submission box. Or check out the link to see more information about the artists and submit your ideas by April 6!
Mural with traditional geometric textile patterning representing symbiosis, prayer, connectedness.
Mural with traditional geometric textile patterning representing symbiosis, prayer, connectedness.
Mural with traditional geometric textile patterning representing symbiosis, prayer, connectedness.
Terrazzo floor design in Hagfors Learning Commons
Line designs reference cycles of the economy, organic chemistry, living water, a heartbeat, and music in harmony.