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Campus Food Access (Campus Cupboard)

Campus Cupboard

The Augsburg University food shelf, Campus Cupboard, provides unlimited free food to any Augsburg student or recent alum. Open three-six days a week year round, we strive to provide healthy, fresh, and culturally appropriate food to support a nutritious and fulfilling diet.

Please visit the Campus Cupboard website and follow our Instagram (@ck.augsburg for more information!

A fridge full of a variety of foods, including lettuce, eggs, microwavable meals, and beverages.
The Campus Cupboard is restocked with fresh produce, eggs, dairy, and much more each morning before it opens.

Campus Cupboard is located in Anderson 26.

Spring Semester 2025 Shopping Hours

Monday-Friday: 2-5pm

If the posted hours don’t work for you, submit a request for a Cupboard appointment at another time or a box for pick up (non-perishable items)!

Satellite Locations

For students who can’t make it out to our main location at Anderson 26, we maintain smaller “satellite locations” at the Strommen Center (nonperishables only) and the CWC (nonperishables and perishables).

Updates and Communications

For timely information about hours and restocks, email and ask to be added to our Google Group email list.

Alternatively (or in addition), follow us on Instagram @ck.augsburg. If you would like access to daily restock updates, DM @ck.augsburg and ask to be added to our private story.

SNAP benefits Referral program

Campus Kitchen partners with Second Harvest Heartland to run a SNAP Benefits referral program. Students can fill out this quick survey to find out if they are likely to be eligible for SNAP benefits (funds for groceries from the government, formerly known as “Food Stamps”). If the survey indicates that a student is likely eligible, Campus Kitchen confidentially passes along their name and contact info to SNAP application specialists at Second Harvest Heartland.

To learn more, check out our Augsburg-specific SNAP FAQ.

View more information from the official SNAP website and begin your application here.

partner organizations

Our Campus Food Access Program partners include: North Country Food Alliance, Twin Cities Food Justice, Loaves and Fishes, The Food Group, and Second Harvest Heartland.