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Thefts from Athletic Areas

Over the past week (and this semester) we have had multiple thefts from Kennedy, Melby, the Ice Arena, and the Athletic Field. These thefts have involved items stolen from lockers, but many thefts (here and elsewhere) involved valuable items being left unattended and unsecured. We are also concerned because the thieves have used victims’ fobs to gain access to secure areas, such as locker rooms.

Nov. 17, 2014 – A fob and room key were stolen from the weight room. The suspects tried the fob on secure doors (including doors to which the fob had access) in Kennedy/Melby before the theft was noticed and reported.

Nov. 16, 2014 – Personal items were left visible and two suspects entered the Ice Arena from the street and stole it within approximately 7 minutes.

Nov. 13, 2014 – A fob and room key were stolen from the Athletic Field

Nov. 11, 2014 – Two male suspects used a stolen fob to enter a women’s locker room and steal items. It appears the fob was stolen using a bolt cutter on a locker in a separate secure area. The suspects stole multiple items from multiple victims.

Nov. 4, 2014 – A student reported his shoes were stolen from the football locker room. The shoes were not secured in a locked locker.

• Lock your Doors – even if you will only be gone for a minute, lock your doors
• Keep Valuables out of Sight and Secure them – use locked drawers or cabinets
• Do Not Leave Valuables Unattended
• Secure Valuables – Do not leave your purchase cards, credit cards, cash unattended in your office unless there is a safe or vault—especially overnight or on weekends
• Do Not Bring an Excessive Amount of Cash to Work or Other Unnecessary Items
• Keep Track of Serial Numbers or Other Identifying Information
• Report Suspicious People and/or Activity to DPS Immediately
• If you are the Victim of Theft – report the incident to DPS immediately
Thefts only take a few moments. Contact DPS immediately if you see someone who looks out of place in the Athletic areas or is acting suspiciously.