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Timely Notice 6/6/23: Aggravated Assault

In compliance with the “Timely Notice” provision of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 Augsburg University Department of Public Safety is giving notice of a concerning incident that occurred at an event on the Minneapolis campus.

REPORTED OFFENSE:  Aggravated Assault

On June 6, Augsburg’s Department of Public Safety received a report at around 6:22 p.m. that there was an incident during a campus event in the Foss Center in which a group of four non-Augsburg individuals were involved in an altercation. Punches were thrown between the group and one of the individuals pulled out a knife. The Minneapolis Police (MPD) was immediately called but the individual who pulled the knife had already left campus before they arrived. One other individual involved also had a knife, which fell out of his pocket during the incident, but the individual did not use it. The altercation had largely dispersed by the time Public Safety and Minneapolis Police officers arrived on the scene. No injuries were sustained that required medical attention. 

STATUS:  Augsburg Public Safety is cooperating with the MPD investigation of this incident. Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is urged to contact MPD or Augsburg Public Safety at 612-330-1717.

Please report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something – Say Something (x1717). We also encourage you to utilize the resources available on our website: and in the CampusShield safety app (available for free download on Google Play and iTunes app store).


  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • If possible, walk in groups or call DPS at 612-330-1717 for an escort
  • Report any suspicious or dangerous activity immediately to Augsburg Public Safety or MPD

Augsburg University believes that physical descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or cast suspicion on any individual.  When physical descriptors are included in communication to the Augsburg community, it is done so because they may reasonably assist in identifying the perpetrator of the incident.  Augsburg University uses perceived race and gender descriptors that are provided about a suspect only when additional characteristics (beyond clothing) are also available.  Such descriptors are used in an attempt to provide the campus community with important information.  However, the University recognizes that race and gender are personal identity attributes that cannot always be accurately perceived by others, and that any reported information may not be accurate.

Timely Notice 4/17/23: Aggravated Assault

In accordance with the “Timely Notice” provision of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, Augsburg University Department of Public Safety is giving notice of a concerning incident that occurred off campus in  Minneapolis but involved Augsburg students. .

REPORTED OFFENSE:  Aggravated Assault

On 4/17/23, Augsburg’s Department of Public Safety received a report that two students had a weapon pointed at them when they were driving to campus from an off campus location. 

At about 1:40 AM on 4/17/23 two Augsburg students were driving off campus on 7th Street west of 20th Avenue when they observed a person walking in the middle of the street. The driver honked at the person as a warning their car was approaching. The person in the street  responded by turning toward the vehicle and pointing what appeared to be a handgun at the car. The driver immediately backed away from the area. The vehicle occupants reported the incident to an Augsburg Public Safety officer and the Minneapolis Police Department right after the incident occurred.    

STATUS:  Augsburg Public Safety and the Minneapolis Police are currently investigating this incident. Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is urged to contact  Augsburg Depart of Public Safety at 612-330-1717 or the Minneapolis Police.

Please report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something say Something (x1717). We also encourage you to utilize the resources available on our website: and in the CampusShield safety app (available for free download on Google Play and iTunes app store).


  • If you experience or witness a crime report the incident as soon as safely possible by calling 911.
  • Keep your head up and be aware of your surroundings
  • If approached in your vehicle by someone you do not know, do not open doors or roll down windows
  • Call Public Safety or the Minneapolis Police if you see any suspicious activity

Augsburg University believes that physical descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or cast suspicion on any individual.  When physical descriptors are included in communication to the Augsburg community, it is done so because they may reasonably assist in identifying the perpetrator of the incident.  Augsburg University uses perceived race and gender descriptors that are provided about a suspect only when additional characteristics (beyond clothing) are also available.  Such descriptors are used in an attempt to provide the campus community with important information.  However, the University recognizes that race and gender are personal identity attributes that cannot always be accurately perceived by others, and that any reported information may not be accurate.

Timely Notice 3/27/23: Assault

In compliance with the “Timely Notice” provision of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 Augsburg University Department of Public Safety is giving notice of a concerning incident that occurred in Mortensen Hall on the Minneapolis campus.


At about 0955 on 03/27/2023 Augsburg Public Safety and Residence Life received a report of a disturbance and possible fight in a room in Mortensen Hall. Upon arrival the public safety officers learned a student had allegedly been assaulted by a non-student known to them. Minneapolis Police were called and officers responded to assist. After investigation the non-student was arrested and taken into custody on an assault charge and issued a warning not to return to Augsburg property. The student was taken to the hospital for examination.


● Keep your head up and always be aware of your surroundings
● Call Public Safety immediately if you notice any disturbing or suspicious behavior; do not
assume someone else will make the report
● Do not allow people you do not know into any building
● Do not walk with earbuds or headphones on so you can hear what is going on around
● Be aware of campus resources and support one another

STATUS: This incident is currently under investigation by the Minneapolis Police (MPD) and the Augsburg Department of Public Safety. Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is urged to contact MPD or Augsburg DPS at 612-330-1717.

Please report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something – Say Something (x1717). We also encourage you to utilize the resources available on our website: and in the CampusShield safety app (available for free download on Google Play and iTunes app store).


Augsburg University believes that physical descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or cast suspicion on any individual.  When physical descriptors are included in communication to the Augsburg community, it is done so because they may reasonably assist in identifying the perpetrator of the incident. Augsburg University uses perceived race and gender descriptors that are provided about a suspect only when additional characteristics (beyond clothing) are also available. Such descriptors are used in an attempt to provide the campus community with important information. However, the University recognizes that race and gender are personal identity attributes that cannot always be accurately perceived by others, and that any reported information may not be accurate.

Timely Notice 10/8/18: Robbery on Minneapolis Campus

In compliance with the “Timely Notice” provision of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, Augsburg University Department of Public Safety is giving notice of a concerning incident that occurred on 21st avenue between parking Lots A and D on the Minneapolis campus.


DPS received a report that around 7:45 pm on 10/08/2018, a robbery occurred on 21st Avenue South in between Lots A and D.  As the victim was walking to their vehicle, the victim reported that a group of six males passed them, one pushed the victim to the ground and took their phone. The victim did not see any weapon and did not report being threatened by a weapon. The group was seen running toward Murphy Square.

Department of Public Safety did foot and vehicle patrols, and checked nearby buildings; Minneapolis police arrived on campus.


  • Keep your head up and always be aware of your surroundings
  • Do not sit or walk with your phone/laptop out
  • Do not walk with earbuds or headphones on so you can hear what is going on around you
  • Call Public Safety immediately if you notice any suspicious behavior

STATUS:  This incident is currently under investigation by the Minneapolis police (MPD) and the Augsburg Department of Public Safety. Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is urged to contact MPD or Augsburg DPS at 612-330-1717.

Please report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something – Say Something (x1717). We also encourage you to utilize the resources available on our website: and in the CampusShield safety app (available for free download on Google Play and iTunes app store).

Augsburg University believes that physical descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or cast suspicion on any individual.  When physical descriptors are included in communication to the Augsburg community, it is done so because they may reasonably assist in identifying the perpetrator of the incident.  Augsburg University uses perceived race and gender descriptors that are provided about a suspect only when additional characteristics (beyond clothing) are also available. Such descriptors are used in an attempt to provide the campus community with important information.  However, the University recognizes that race and gender are personal identity attributes that cannot always be accurately perceived by others, and that any reported information may not be accurate.

Timely Notice 8/17/2018: Robbery on Minneapolis Campus



In compliance with the “Timely Notice” provision of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 Augsburg University Department of Public Safety is giving notice of a concerning incident that occurred on 22nd Ave in front of the Hagfors Center on the Minneapolis campus.


Today, 08/17/2018, DPS received a report that at 3:10 PM on 8/17/2018, a robbery at gunpoint occurred on 21st Ave S in front of the Hagfors Center at Augsburg University.  The victim, who is not affiliated with Augsburg, was sitting on the benches on the east side of the Hagfors Center looking at their phone.  The victim was approached by two individuals, one put a gun to the victim’s head and demanded the victim’s property. A backpack, purse and cell phone were taken.  The suspects fled to a black sedan parked on the east side of 22nd Ave S under the Hagfors Center skyway and left Northbound on 22nd Ave.  There is no further suspect or vehicle description at this point.

Keep your head up and always be aware of your surroundings

  • Do not sit or walk with your phone/laptop out
  • Do not walk with earbuds or headphones on so you can hear what is going on around you
  • Call Public Safety immediately if you notice any suspicious behavior

STATUS:  This incident is currently under investigation by Public Safety and the Minneapolis
Police.  Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is urged to contact the Minneapolis Police or Augsburg Public Safety at 612-330-1717.

Please report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something – Say Something (x1717). We also encourage you to utilize the resources available on our website: and in the CampusShield safety app (available for free download on Google Play and iTunes app store).

Augsburg University believes that physical descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or cast suspicion on any individual.  When physical descriptors are included in communication to the Augsburg community, it is done so because they may reasonably assist in identifying the perpetrator of the incident.  Augsburg University uses perceived race and gender descriptors that are provided about a suspect only when additional characteristics (beyond clothing) are also available. Such descriptors are used in an attempt to provide the campus community with important information.  However, the University recognizes that race and gender are personal identity attributes that cannot always be accurately perceived by others, and that any reported information may not be accurate.

Thefts from Athletic Areas

Over the past week (and this semester) we have had multiple thefts from Kennedy, Melby, the Ice Arena, and the Athletic Field. These thefts have involved items stolen from lockers, but many thefts (here and elsewhere) involved valuable items being left unattended and unsecured. We are also concerned because the thieves have used victims’ fobs to gain access to secure areas, such as locker rooms.

Nov. 17, 2014 – A fob and room key were stolen from the weight room. The suspects tried the fob on secure doors (including doors to which the fob had access) in Kennedy/Melby before the theft was noticed and reported.

Nov. 16, 2014 – Personal items were left visible and two suspects entered the Ice Arena from the street and stole it within approximately 7 minutes.

Nov. 13, 2014 – A fob and room key were stolen from the Athletic Field

Nov. 11, 2014 – Two male suspects used a stolen fob to enter a women’s locker room and steal items. It appears the fob was stolen using a bolt cutter on a locker in a separate secure area. The suspects stole multiple items from multiple victims.

Nov. 4, 2014 – A student reported his shoes were stolen from the football locker room. The shoes were not secured in a locked locker.

• Lock your Doors – even if you will only be gone for a minute, lock your doors
• Keep Valuables out of Sight and Secure them – use locked drawers or cabinets
• Do Not Leave Valuables Unattended
• Secure Valuables – Do not leave your purchase cards, credit cards, cash unattended in your office unless there is a safe or vault—especially overnight or on weekends
• Do Not Bring an Excessive Amount of Cash to Work or Other Unnecessary Items
• Keep Track of Serial Numbers or Other Identifying Information
• Report Suspicious People and/or Activity to DPS Immediately
• If you are the Victim of Theft – report the incident to DPS immediately
Thefts only take a few moments. Contact DPS immediately if you see someone who looks out of place in the Athletic areas or is acting suspiciously.

Armed Robberies near Campus

In the past week, there have been 3 armed robberies reported near the edges of Augsburg’s Minneapolis campus.  No suspect information is available at this time.

Incident Location: 19th Ave. S. & 6th St. S.

Date and Time: 09/02/14 at 9:40 p.m.

Three people reported to Minneapolis Police that they had parked their vehicle at the intersection of 19th Ave. S. and 6th St. S.  After exiting the vehicle, an unknown suspect approached them, displayed a handgun and demanded their wallets and phones.


Incident Location: 2000 block of Riverside Ave.

Date and time: 08/30/14 at 3:00 a.m.

Minneapolis Police responded to a report of a robbery of a business in the 2000 block of Riverside Ave.  The robbers were able to steal approximately $1,200.


Incident Location: 2500 block of Riverside Ave.

Date and Time: 08/26/14 at 9:15 p.m.

Minneapolis Police responded to a robbery in the 2500 block of Riverside Ave. The victim reported that two males came up from behind him and placed a gun in his back.  The suspects then stole his phone and money.


Augsburg DPS takes the safety of our community very seriously.  Please be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to DPS immediately at (612) 330-1717.  DPS Crime Alerts/Timely Warnings are issued pursuant to federal law (20 U.S.C. § 1092; 34 C.F.R. § 668.46) and intended to provide timely notification to the Augsburg community regarding threats to the safety of our students, faculty, and staff  and issued with the incident and suspect information available from witnesses at that time.  DPS also reminds everyone to remain vigilant about their safety!


You can help prevent crime at Augsburg:

-Trust Your Instincts – If you sense trouble, get away

-Be Observant and Aware – Remain alert, be aware of your surroundings, observe the other people around you.  Know who is around you.  Be alert for suspicious behavior (e.g. a person wearing a long coat in the middle of summer, loitering, etc.)

-Walk Confidently and Do Not Make Yourself a Target – Robbers are looking for an easy target.  Keep your head up and eyes alert and walk at a steady pace.  Do not walk while looking at you phone and avoid carrying lots of packages or other belongings.

-If You are Robbed – Stay calm and remember: safety first!  Follow the robber’s directions, but do not volunteer more than asked for.  If you have to move, tell the robber what you are doing and why.  Try to get a good look at the robber so you can describe him/her later.  Give the robber time to leave and note the direction he/she travels.

-After a Robbery – CALL DPS OR THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY.  Avoid touching anything the robber has touched.  Try to recall as you can about the robber including speech and mannerisms.

-Notify DPS of any suspicious activity right away

Crime Alert: Robbery – 08/26/14

DPS received a MPD crime alert about a robbery reported to have occurred at approximately 9:15 p.m. on the evening of August 26, 2014 in the 2500 block of Riverside Ave. (near the northeast edge of campus).  The victim reported that two males came up from behind him and placed a gun in his back.  The suspects then stole his phone and money.

No suspect information is available at this time.


You can help prevent crime at Augsburg:

-Trust Your Instincts – If you sense trouble, get away

-Be Observant and Aware – Remain alert, be aware of your surroundings, observe the other people around you.  Know who is around you.  Be alert for suspicious behavior (e.g. a person wearing a long coat in the middle of summer, loitering, etc.)

-Walk Confidently and Do Not Make Yourself a Target – Robbers are looking for an easy target.  Keep your head up and eyes alert and walk at a steady pace.  Do not walk while looking at you phone and avoid carrying lots of packages or other belongings.

-If You are Robbed – Stay calm and remember: safety first!  Follow the robber’s directions, but do not volunteer more than asked for.  If you have to move, tell the robber what you are doing and why.  Try to get a good look at the robber so you can describe him/her later.  Give the robber time to leave and note the direction he/she travels.

-After a Robbery – CALL DPS OR THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY.  Avoid touching anything the robber has touched.  Try to recall as you can about the robber including speech and mannerisms.

-Notify DPS of any suspicious activity right away

Crime Advisory: Theft from Motor Vehicles – 08/27/14

At approximately 1:30 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. on the morning of August 27, 2014, DPS officers discovered three motor vehicles had been broken into along the south edge of campus in the Residence South Lot (Lot B) and along Butler Place.

No suspect information is available at this time.


You can help prevent crime at Augsburg:

-Lock your Doors and Roll up your Windows – This is your first line of defense.  Even if you are only going to be gone for a minute, use the locks and make sure your car is “closed.”

-Do not Leave Valuables in Sight or in the Car – Do not leave your phone, GPS, or other attractive devices in the vehicle

-Park where your Vehicle is Visible – Park in well-lighted, well-trafficked areas

-Stash before, not after, you Park – Stow any belongings before you park and someone can see you put away your belongings

-Use a Detachable Stereo Face – if you’re not sticking with the original sound system, use a detachable face.

-Do not Leave Extra Keys in your Vehicle

Motor Vehicle Theft – Aug. 9, 2014

DPS received a report that a student’s vehicle was stolen from Lot G (the faculty/staff lot near 21st Ave. S. and 6th St. S.) The student had parked at approximately 9:00 p.m. on August 8, 2014 and found the car missing at approximately 7:15 a.m. on August 9, 2014. The vehicle was found in Minneapolis and recovered by the police.

No suspect information is available at this time.