Dear Augsburg community,
In the past 24 hours, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) has received two reports of motor vehicles on or near campus being damaged by another vehicle that left the scene. As a result of these reports, the University is issuing a crime advisory to notify the community and to share important safety tips.
Reported Offense(s): Motor Vehicle Hit and Run Incidents
On Wednesday, January 29 at approximately 11:12 a.m., DPS was notified that a student’s motor vehicle had been damaged in a hit and run incident sometime between 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28 and the reported time. The incident occurred on the 800 block of 22nd Ave S.
On Wednesday, January 29 at approximately 1:54 p.m., DPS was notified that a student’s motor vehicle had been damaged in a hit and run incident sometime between 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28 and the reported time. The incident occurred on the 700 block of 21st Ave S.
Suspect Description
There is no suspect description for either report.
DPS is currently investigating these incidents. Anyone who may have information regarding these incidents is urged to contact the Minneapolis Police Department or Augsburg DPS at 612-330-1717.
Reporting Incidents
Augsburg asks its community members to report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something – Say Something. To report, please contact the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 612-330-1717. You can also download the CampusShield app (through Apple or Android) to message DPS. We also encourage you to utilize the resources available on the DPS website.
If a motor vehicle accident occurs on Minneapolis-owned streets, individuals are strongly encouraged to contact MPD at 3-1-1 to file a report.
Safety Tips
- Because it is winter and snow is melting, streets are narrower and it can be difficult to see vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians that are parked, backing out, or crossing the street. Be mindful of your surroundings and pay attention as you are driving.
- When parking, make sure you are parked as far as you are able in your spot or as close to the curb as possible. Make sure there is enough space between you and any adjacent vehicles.
- If you hit another vehicle, please call DPS and/or MPD to report the incident immediately.
- Call DPS or MPD if you see any suspicious activity.
Augsburg University believes that physical descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or cast suspicion on any individual. When physical descriptors are included in communication to the Augsburg community, it is done so because they may reasonably assist in identifying the perpetrator of the incident. Augsburg University uses perceived race and gender descriptors that are provided about a suspect only when additional characteristics (beyond clothing) are also available. Such descriptors are used in an attempt to provide the campus community with important information. However, the University recognizes that race and gender are personal identity attributes that cannot always be accurately perceived by others, and that any reported information may not be accurate.