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Secondary Education

Secondary Education

K-12 and 5-12 licensures in several content areas are offered in a traditional day school and weekend program. These accredited programs include:

5-12th grade licensure:

  • communication arts/literature and social studies (day, weekend/evening)
  • health, mathematics (day)

9-12th grade licensure in life science, chemistry, and physics (day); a middle school (5-8th grade general science endorsement can be added onto the 9-12th grade license.)

Augsburg students (teacher candidates) progress through the program at several transition points. Teacher candidates must successfully complete the requirement at each transition point.  Your adviser and the program assessment coordinator monitor your progress at critical points. These transition points include:

Admission to the Education Department – Secondary Licensure Undergraduate Program – Initial License

  • Completing an online application through Google Forms
  • Completion of at least 12 college/university credits
  • Information about your experience working with children
  • Obtaining the recommendation of an Augsburg faculty member
  • meeting with a faculty advisor in the Education Department.

Acceptance to the program is contingent on meeting the criteria outlined in the document below. Begin the admission process by requesting an appointment to meet with your education advisor. If you have not been assigned an education advisor you can request one online through the Adviser Assignment Request. During the meeting, education advisors go over licensure program requirements and courses.

Students seeking licensure in 5-12, 9-12, K-12 secondary education (this includes Music Education, Physical Education, and Visual Arts) also need to meet with an advisor in the content area department to discuss content-specific requirements for licensure.

In order to apply, please take time to ensure you have completed all of the items on the Application Checklist for Admission to the Augsburg Teacher Licensure Programs.

Then fill out this Official Application in Google Forms.

Mid-Program Transition:  To stay in the program you must be able to

  • Maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in their major and education coursework.
  • Achieve no lower than a 2.0 in all major, and required licensure courses.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work successfully with K-12 students in field placement settings throughout their programs.
  • Demonstrate professional behavior in on-campus courses.

Admission to Student Teaching:  In order to apply to student teach you will need to:

  • Maintain all required GPA standards: 2.5 minimum overall and in major.
  • Pass or demonstrate significant progress in completion of Minnesota NES Essential Academic Skills (EAS) testing.
  • Achieve a minimum of 2.0 in all required courses for undergraduate candidates and 2.5 for graduate candidates in graduate-level courses.
  • A signed secondary clearance form from your content adviser.
  • Complete all required coursework, including clinical hours, or petition for an exception.
  • Pass all MTLE Basic Skills Tests in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.
  • Remain in good standing within the department.

Finishing Student Teaching and Completion of Licensure Requirements:  You must be able to:

  • Successfully complete student teaching and all student teaching requirements.
  • Complete the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA).
  • Pass the MTLE Pedagogy and Content Test(s) for licensure area.
  • Complete a Criminal Background Check.
  • Complete an Exit Survey for the program.