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Student Profile: Melissa Sweeney ‘13

Melissa SweeneyMelissa Sweeney ‘13

  • Computer Science Major, Special Focus in Marketing
  • Web Developer, Red Wing Shoe Co.

Who is Melissa?
WEC Graduate, AugSTEM Scholar, Web Developer at Red Wing Shoes, Associates Degree in Graphic Design from Brown Institute, Previous work at Hubbard Broadcasting and the Mayo Clinic

What brought you to Augsburg?
The programs and the flexibility offered by Augsburg’s WEC program is what brought me to the college. I knew that I would have to continue working full time while attending classes and Augsburg’s courses fit best with my schedule. My aunt is also an Augsburg WEC alumna so I was familiar with the weekend program. Continue reading “Student Profile: Melissa Sweeney ‘13”

Student Profile: Joe Buchman ‘13

Joe BuchmanJoe Buchman ‘13

  • Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Chemistry, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • Chemistry & Biology Major
  • Math Minor

Who is Joe?
Summa Cum Laude Graduate, NSF Graduate Re-search Fellow, Goldwater Honorable Mention, Wallin Education Partners Scholar, Mayo Innovation Scholar (MISP), URGO Student Researcher, Lupus Foundation Research Fellow, ACS President, Tri-Beta Treasurer, Chemistry/Biology Tutor Continue reading “Student Profile: Joe Buchman ‘13”

Student Profile: Jazmine Darden ’13

Jazmine DardenJazmine Darden ’13

  • Physics and Math Major
  • Tekne Scholar
  • Phillips Family Scholar
  • McNair Scholar
  • NorthStar STEM Fellow
  • Calculus Workshop Mentor
  • Residence Life Residential Executive Coordinator
  • GEMS & GISE Youth Engineering Camp Mentor
  • Sigma Pi Sigma
  • Pi Mu Epsilon

What brought you to Augsburg?
I wanted to be in the city, but close to home. And when I visited Augsburg, I noticed a sense of community and diversity while on a campus tour that I didn’t see at other schools. Watching my tour guide shout to friends across the quad made me feel like this was a place where I would make great friends and thrive. Continue reading “Student Profile: Jazmine Darden ’13”

Student Profile: Charlie Olson ‘13

Charlie OlsonCharlie Olson ‘13

Quality Safety Analyst at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota

At Augsburg:

  • Biopsychology Major
  • AugSTEM Scholar
  • McNair Researcher
  • Auggie Guide Coordinator
  • Welcome Desk Attendant
  • Admissions Tour Guide
  • Ultimate Frisbee Team Captain

What brought you to Augsburg?
The moment I stepped on campus, I felt like I fit in. While I was deciding which college I wanted to attend, I scheduled an overnight visit and had an opportunity to sit in on classes and meet professors in the Biology department. Overall, I had a great admissions experience. I preferred Augsburg’s small class sizes and heard that the college had strong science programs. Continue reading “Student Profile: Charlie Olson ‘13”

Student Profile: Austin Wagner ’13

Austin WagnerAustin Wagner ’13

  • Mathematics Major
  • President of Augsburg’s Math Club Unbounded
  • Honors Program
  • URGO Summer Researcher
  • AugSTEM Scholar
  • Studied in Nicaragua & Budapest

What do you value most about Augsburg?
My relationship with the professors here. They go out of their way to provide students with opportunities, like my internship with Target, and make themselves available for questions and advice. My professors encouraged me to read advanced topics outside of the course material. I probably learned the most as an undergraduate while speaking directly with my professors. Continue reading “Student Profile: Austin Wagner ’13”

Student Profile: Allison Zank

Allison Zank

  • Chemistry Major
  • Transfer Student from MCTC
  • McNair Scholar
  • Goldwater Scholar
  • NSF Grant Recipient Industry Ambassador
  • AugSTEM Scholar
  • President of the Augsburg Chemistry Society
  • URGO Researcher
  • Transfer Regents Award Recipient
  • Carl Rogne Scholarship Recipient
  • Campus Ministries Scholarship Recipient

Allison Zank is currently doing work in research and development fabricating nanomaterials with electrochemistry. Continue reading “Student Profile: Allison Zank”

Student Profile: Ali Wolfe ‘13

Ali WolfeAli Wolfe ‘13

  • Chemistry major and Religion minor
  • Nursing Station Technician at the University of Minnesota Fairview
  • Transfer from Hope College
  • Christensen Scholar
  • Involved in Urban Neighbors
  • Volunteer at Redeemer Health Ministry

What do you value most about Augsburg?
I most value my interactions and relationships with professors. My professors at Augs-burg are truly invested in their students. Continue reading “Student Profile: Ali Wolfe ‘13”