Pre-health Advising
I hope fall semester is going well for you and you are staying healthy! COVID-19 has precipitated many changes and requires us to be flexible and creative. These are important attributes to demonstrate, especially for pre-health students. One major change for pre-health students is how to gain experience during a pandemic. What many admissions offices, across all programs, have shared is the continued need to gain experience although there may be fewer opportunities to meet in person or to shadow. For that reason, virtual information sessions are more important than ever. Please consider participating in the following opportunities I am hosting or those shared in the newsletter:
Group Pre-health Advising Session for New Augsburg Students
Friday, October 16
2 pm
For pre-health students new to Augsburg, I am hosting a group advising session. This is an opportunity to gain a broad overview of several health professions, become better aware of what schools seek in competitive applicants, and learn more about upcoming events and available resources.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 962 7145 9359
Passcode: 056633
Pre-Pharmacy Advising
Thursday, October 22
1-2 pm
Learn about pharmacy with Dr. Bruce Benson from the U of M College of Pharmacy. He will discuss pharmacy career options and admissions
Ross University School of Medicine
Thursday, November 5
6 pm
Milena Garcia, Associate Director of Admissions, will speak about med school competencies and how Covid has changed teaching. Augsburg alum, Cedith Giddings, ’15 Biology, will share her perspectives as a med student at Ross.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 712 893 6553
Passcode: 042120
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
Thursday, December 3
2:30 pm
Ashya Burgess, Admissions Recruiter, will share information on Mayo’s medical program as well as their Master’s of Physician Assistant, Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and PhD in Biomedical Science graduate programs.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 7095 2019
Passcode: 201228
If you have questions about any of these programs or would like to receive a Google calendar invitation for any of these events, please email Catherina Kipper, Health Professions Specialist, at
UC Davis Pre-health Conference
UC Davis is proud to host the nation’s largest pre-health conference on October 17, 2020.
Network with over 300 exhibitors and participate in a variety of workshops centered around various healthcare professions for free!
Visit their website for more details about the virtual conference!
University of Minnesota Medical School Information Sessions Fall 2020
Join the Office of Admissions for the Twin Cities and Duluth MD programs for a webinar and Q&A session.
October 14th at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (CST)
November 11th at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (CST)
Password: medical1
2020 Junior PPIA Summer Institute Application now open!
The goal of the PPIA Fellowship Program is to help students prepare to pursue Masters’ or joint degree, typically in public policy, public administration, international affairs, or a related field. The organization does this through the intensive study provided by participation in a Junior Summer Institute (JSI), through partnerships with universities across the country, and through an alumni network that provides opportunities to connect with nearly 4000 individuals who share the same interest in public service.
During the 7-week program, fellows are equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in graduate school and ultimately, in influential roles serving the public good.
A great opportunity for students interested in health policy or public health!
The deadline to apply for Summer 2021 is November 15, 2020.
PPIA Application & Website
Health Professions Advanced Summer Scholars Program
Des Moines University’s three week Health P.A.S.S. Program is a great way to prepare for and enhance your application for medical or health professions school.
The program will include:
- GRE/MCAT Prep & Interview Prep
- Shadowing
- Cultural Competency Course & Certificate
- Graduate Level Lectures
- Hands-on Experiences
- Meet with Experts
Application Deadline February 1