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Update for Parents

All students who attended Augsburg during the 2017 year have been notified that their 1098-T is available for their 2017 tax preparation.  Students can view the form by logging on to AugNet Records and Registration and clicking on Make Payment/Account Activity. The 1098-T tax form can be found on the bottom right-hand side of this page.

The 1098 –T is a statement of qualifying education expenses that colleges and universities are required to issue for the purpose of determining a student’s or families eligibility for the Hope and Lifetime Learning education tax credits.  Please note that Augsburg only calculates tuition and related expenses for purposes of the 1098-T by Amounts Billed, not payments received.  You will find Amounts Billed in box 2.  No information will be provided in box 1 for payments received.

All students wanting to apply for 2018-2019 year financial aid must submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) using their 2016 federal taxes (not their 2017 taxes).  Students can complete the FAFSA online at   Remember to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to directly import the tax information, and make sure to submit the FAFSA by signing with your FSA ID.  The priority deadline for completing the financial aid application is May 1st.

Registration for the summer/fall 2018 terms begin April 2nd.  Students who have unpaid spring charges, or are not up-to-date on their payment plans, will be unable to register.

Students can make payments online by going to     Please see the  Parent Information tab at for instructions on making a payment, signing up for a payment plan, and obtaining access to discuss your student’s financial information, etc.  Please note that we will be unable to speak with any parent/guardian that has not been authorized by the student.

For Parents Only: Nov. 12

Just a reminder, parents! For Parents Only is happening Nov. 12, Oren Gateway Center, Room 100, 7-8:30 p.m. Chat in small groups with Augsburg’s departmental leaders from Academic Advising, Residence Life, the Center for Wellness and Counseling, Augsburg Abroad, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and others! This is a great way to get to know other parents and spend quality time with some of Augsburg’s leaders! R.S.V.P. to

Auggie Parent Event: Feb. 26

Parents Page Image On Thursday, Feb. 26, join other parents of Auggies to chat in small groups with Augsburg’s leaders from Academic Advising, the Dean’s office, Campus Ministry, Residence Life, Financial Aid, and Health and Physical Education.

We’ll take the “speed dating” approach as you’ll meet in small groups with these Auggie leaders and have the opportunity to learn about your student’s experience. Ask any question you like —no question too big or too small.

  • Shannon Smith, Academic Advising
  • Carly Eichhorst, Financial Aid
  • Karen Kaivola, Provost and Chief Academic Officer
  • Babette Chapman, Campus Ministry
  • Amanda Erdman, Residence Life
  • Carol Enke, Health and Physical Education
  • Chris Wallace and Sammy Coy, Augsburg Student Activities Council
  • Katie Radford ’12, Volunteer Engagement Manager

RSVP to Sally Daniels Herron ’79 by email at Reservations are required by 2/20 to ensure you receive a parking pass for the event.

Thursday, Feb 26

Oren Gateway Center, Room 100, 7-8:30 p.m.