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A Prayer for…Healthcare Workers

Across the country amid orders to “shelter in place” and directives to avoid social gatherings (or people altogether!), healthcare workers wake up and ready themselves for the day. They leave the security of their homes and the sanctuary of loved ones to go out into the world as the shadow of COVID-19 looms. Their vocation to serve the wellbeing of the neighbor means putting themselves in danger. Today we offer “A PRAYER FOR…HEALTHCARE WORKERS.”

Revelation 22:2: “On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”

Let us pray:

God of healing touch, your revelatory vision for the world teems with life, renewal, and wholeness. By way of this vision, you gift humanity with medical knowledge and the healing arts thus equipping healers among us. In these hours, O God, give courage and resolve to doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, lab technicians, medical researchers, office support staff, and all healthcare workers laboring in harm’s way these trying times of coronavirus. Keep them safe as they bear your fruits of healing for the sake of our nation and all the nations of your world. This we pray offering our thanksgiving for all who are called to heal. Amen.  


Rev. Justin Lind-Ayres

Prayer for March 26, 2020