In our politically divisive environment, distrust and rancor swirl around politicians and anything deemed political in nature. The global pandemic has exacerbated some of this divisiveness. To be sure, we are called to hold our political leaders’ words and actions accountable to the dignity and wellbeing of all citizens and our common life together. But in the same breath, we are also called to pray for our leaders – local and national – who hold these elected and appointed positions so they may be guided by wisdom and compassion in their decision-making. Let us offer “A PRAYER FOR…POLITICAL LEADERS” who are seeking a way for us through this pandemic.
1 Timothy 2:1-2:
“I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for rulers and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.”
Let us pray:
God beyond all earthly authority, we pray that your compassionate wisdom and justice-making be our guide for daily living. In these hours of difficult decisions, sustain our local, state, and national politicians called to serve in this unforeseen moment in history. We thank you for their service and tireless efforts on our behalf. We ask that you cast aside all pride and arrogance among us and our leaders, anchor us in your imperative to care for the vulnerable and marginalized, and shore-up party-politics so that peaceable life and dignity for all peoples may be the route in and through these rough days. This we pray, trusting in your divine presence to both agitate and support political leaders through your spirit justice, humility, and love. Amen.
Rev. Justin Lind-Ayres
Prayer for April 19, 2020