Today, students at Augsburg University begin their finals week. The end of this semester has been incredibly challenging: classes that were never formatted for virtual learning have been moved online, students have struggled to find motivation as they struggle with anxiety and worry, many have had their living situations change, jobs have been lost. With everything, the temptation may be to worry and stress over the end result of a grade that reflects the culmination of a semester that was half in person and half online. Today, we offer a prayer for all those students – that they have peace as they finish up this week, hope for what the future holds, and grace for themselves regardless of the end result. A prayer for encouragement…
John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Let us Pray:
Gracious God, God of all wisdom, hope and peace – today we lift up all the students in the Augsburg Community, and students across the nation, who are beginning their finals week. During all the chaos of change, you bring a steadfastness for us to cling. Your son walked the earth as a teacher; he tended to the needs of his students, drew them in and cultivated wisdom in them. Draw out the wisdom of these students, give them encouragement for what is ahead of them and an appreciation for what they have already accomplished. God, sometimes we get lost in all the day to day worries of this world, but in Christ you have overcome the world. Bless all who need your wisdom and your encouragement this day with hope and a belief in the strength and power of your love. Amen.
Pastoral Intern Sarah Swindall