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A Prayer for Perseverance

The crisis of the Coronavirus has had a negative impact throughout the lives of everyday ordinary people. The shutting down of the economy, social distancing, sheltering-in-place all enforced to slow down and prevent rapid spread of the virus is a decision not taken lightly by public leaders and decision makers. As time continues, the weight of isolation, loneliness, stress, fear, despair is becoming overwhelming heavy. As I sit at my computer with the community in mind, a group of health conscious women gather in the parking lot below to exercise as a group practicing social distance, because they cannot safely gather indoors. Social distance does not mean emotional distance and health and exercise is crucial to staying healthy.  The crisis calls all of us to be creative and innovative with how we practice selfcare, care for our neighbor, community, the world and to address a broken system. Today we offer a scripture and a Prayer for…PERSEVERANCE  

Colossians 1:11-12 (NRSV)

May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light.

Let us pray…

Good and eternal God, you are our strength and our joy. We invite you to bless us by your glorious power with the ability  to endure these difficult times.  Lord, pour out your love into our hearts through your Holy Spirit.  Grant us wisdom that instructs us to trust you with our whole heart and to not lean on our understanding. We are acknowledging oh God, that you  are our motivational force directing us. Lord, in your infinite wisdom, you guide us through this crisis to turn our attention to you. Draw us closer to you and to each other. Help us to be patient and kind with one another. We ask that you continue to bless all the first responders and essential workers with the tenacity and determination to continue to be steadfast in the battle combating this disease.  Repairing God, we pray for perseverance in our advocacy to repair a broken system that exploits the marginalized and working poor. Lord we also pray that those who are forced back into the workforce out of economic pressure needs be met. And oh Lord, those public leaders who are attempting to force their state to reopen putting vulnerable and marginalized communities at greater risk, we pray for your justice and mercy. Righteous God, keep watch over those who fall victim to systems that oppress, be the gate to their freedom. Lord, all these things we ask trusting in your mercy. In Christ name we pray. Amen

Rev. Babette Chatman