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Campus Ministry Election Week Support

Monday, November 2 –  A mindful meditation video by musician Michael Morris, a calm before election day.

Tuesday, November 3: With no classes on this day due to the election, Pastor Babette Chatman and Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres offer recorded words of hope and prayer on Election Day. 

Wednesday, November 4: Open space for prayer, reflection, silence, and conversation (if needed) in Hoversten throughout morning – 10:00 am – noon. Following ADSG’s event from 6 – 8 pm, folks are welcome to join our Zoom Multicultural Worship at 8 pm along with conversation on “God and Politics” followed by holding space if needed. 

Thursday, November 5 at 11:30 am: Join us in Hoversten Chapel for in-person worship with a service of Healing for the Nation. The service will be live streamed on Zoom. 

Friday, November 6 at 10:40: An All Saints Commemoration service combined with time to hold silence at 10:40 am for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. We remember all saints that have shaped our lives as we continue to remember George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, (and others) and our call for racial justice in God’s world. The Friday service will be streamed on Zoom. Check the Campus Ministry blog page for the weekly prayer.