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Day of Epiphany

Protesters pushing through the barriers of the Capitol Building;
The sacred American task of the peaceful transition of power interrupted;
Our elected officials scrambling for their safety amid the chaos;
The floor of the Senate invaded;
Shock and dismay sweeping across the country…
All of this today, on the day of the Epiphany:
the day the Christian church celebrates the magi’s encounter with the Christ-child,
the revelation of God coming to earth to dwell among us, to breathe among us,
to bring peace, to bring divine light and love to all peoples, to all nations….

In these hours, we offer our prayers for the safety of our elected officials and for those seeking to restore peace, for leaders speaking truth in the face of falsities espoused by the President of the United States, for the courage for us all to find common ground amid division and disagreement, and for healing for our nation beset by the pandemics of COVID-19 and racism. On this day of the Epiphany, may we light a candle to shine the light of love in our dorms and homes, the light of healing in our neighborhood and communities, the light of hope for our country and the world. May we, together, be light.

My prayer on this shocking day comes from the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. He spoke these words in a speech in 1956, but I have found they have become my prayer on this Epiphany Day.

I pray:

“The urgency of the hour calls for leaders of wise judgment and sound integrity – leaders not in love with money, but in love with justice; leaders not in love with publicity, but in love with humanity.” (MLK)

And I add: May we be such leaders sharing the light of such love in our thoughts, words, and deeds as an Augsburg community, for the sake of each other and for the sake of the world. Amen.

Justin Lind-Ayres
University Pastor
January 6, 2021 – The Epiphany of Our Lord