This particular Friday in March is the traditional day Campus Ministry would offer in chapel worship a blessing for all travelers heading into Spring Break. It is, after all, our final day before the break. Auggie Sport teams, short-term study abroad students, and participants in Campus Ministry’s Alternative Spring Break Habitat for Humanity build would all be lifted up in prayer for safe travels and meaningful experiences in their organized trips. In addition, our prayers would accompany all who travel over the break for home-goings, destination respites, and other needed vacations or travel. But of course, like last year, many such trips and activities are not happening in this same way. COVID-19 is looming large for the second year as Spring Break begins.
And still, we in Campus Ministry want to offer up a blessing for you and for all. I’m calling it, “Blessing the Feet.” Though travel may be curtailed and trips postponed, our feet (or wheels) will take us somewhere in the days ahead. Maybe not across country or to new ventures, but we will find our feet situating us in a particular place and space. So, may your feet be blessed!
The prophet Isaiah proclaimed,
“How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of the messenger who announces peace,
who brings good news,
who announces salvation,
who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” (Isaiah 52:7)
Wherever you go in the days ahead, look to your feet – your beautiful feet! See how they are carrying you into opportunities and settings that may call for peace, for good news, for healing, for rest and renewal, for the unfolding of salvation in our very midst. Bless your feet!
We pray:
God of Zion, God of Minneapolis:
You call us to walk your way of peace and reconciliation.
Bless all these beautiful feet moving us to work out your reign of mercy and love in the world.
Bless the feet of all who travel in these day – may safety prevail.
Bless the feet of those who go home – may welcome prevail.
Bless the feet of activists pounding the streets yearning for change – may justice prevail.
Bless the feet trending the walkways of COVID-19 – may healing prevail.
Bless the feet of all who take a moment to stand still – may rest prevail.
Bless our beautiful feet as they lead us to the peoples and places needing
to hear and feel your good news in the their lives.
This we pray in Jesus’ name, who walked for us and walks with us. Amen.
Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres
University Pastor