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Climate Commitment

Since becoming a charter signatory to the Second Nature Presidents’ Climate Leadership Commitments in 2007, Augsburg has been actively working to reduce its carbon footprint and contributions to climate change while integrating sustainability into our practices and operations, curriculum and scholarship, and campus culture and ownership.

Our original Green By 2019 Climate Action Plan was the result of collaborative action that took stock of our current reality and imagine what could be possible if we aimed for carbon neutrality. As a result of this bold call to action, we made progress! Recognizing that we still have a long ways to go, however, the Environmental Action Committee of Augsburg Day Student Government recently passed an update to this commitment, calling for a new carbon neutrality date of 2030. With ambitious goals that will take campus-wide ownership and long-term planning, this resolution reinvigorates our efforts in light of the urgency of climate change and the opportunities for resiliency.

What will it take to meet this goal?

  • Imagination
  • Determination
  • Leadership at all levels from students to administration
  • Data to track our progress
  • Funding to make bold infrastructure changes
  • Local, state, and federal policy advocacy
  • Collaboration with our neighbors and peer institutions
  • YOU! How will you contribute to this goal? Share your successes and ideas with us!