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Community Garden

raised bed garden students planting garden Augsburg's Medtronic foundation community garden

The Medtronic Foundation Community Garden at Augsburg University, beautifying the corner of 20th Ave and 7th St since 2007, has four main goals: to provide a space for the community to come and learn together; beautify the neighborhood and campus; provide growing space for those without it; and to assist gardeners in providing themselves a healthy diet. Rather than the Campus Kitchen as an organization attempt to grow food to provide for free, we provide the land, tools, water, and compost to anyone in the neighborhood so that they can take ownership of their own space and produce. In addition to the individual plots, there are communal spaces where anyone can harvest from (like the apple trees along the sidewalk). We have had farmers from Minnesotan farms, Ethiopia, Somalia, Vietnam and Mexico all gardening together, and sharing their skills and examples with many others who are just beginning to learn how to garden. Learn more about the recent renovations to the garden.

Email with questions.

To get your own space, we ask that you have a strong connection to the Cedar Riverside Community, contribute $30 for the year (scholarships available), and volunteer at least 4 hours to help maintain and improve the whole garden (not just one’s own plot). Gardeners are selected based on people’s connection to Augsburg, the U of M, and the neighborhood, and if they need land and good food.  If you have friends or neighbors that don’t use computers but would be interested in a plot, it’d be great for you to complete this on their behalf, but it’s possible to print this out and send it to Campus Kitchen, 2211 Riverside Ave, Campus Box 108, Minneapolis, MN 55454.

garden vegetables