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Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes

As Thoughtful Stewards, students are learning to …

  • identify the broad foundations for sustainable living and apply them in demonstrable ways (Health and Wellness / Sustainability)


Augsburg University’s location in the city offers an opportunity for the close study of complex urban environments. Environmental issues are often related to rural or uninhabited areas but urban residents shape nature in innumerable ways. Energy, food and water consumption as well as transportation and industrial production can deeply impact the quality of the environment. In turn, cities often serve as the settings in which environmental injustice flourishes.

With that in mind, a variety of courses across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences foster the study of environmental quality, social justice, and economic sustainability. Students may choose to explore environmental stewardship through one of these courses or pursue a major or minor in Environmental Studies.

Study Abroad and Away

Students can participate in a variety of semester-long and short-term programs with the Center for Global Education and Experience that embed sustainability in the coursework and daily living experiences.

Augsburg’s River Semester, the first ever program of its kind in the U.S., offers a full semester (4 months) of classes traveling along the Mississippi River from Minneapolis to New Orleans.